Yanked From Kneebone

Dec 01, 2006 17:08

1. Who's the last person you hugged?
Physically my mum cos she wanted one; Digitally Sarri ^^

2. Have you kissed someone in the last 2 weeks?

3. Have you had sex in the last week?

Where's 4?

5. What is the last thing that you drank?

6. Who is the last person you think about at night?
Random stuff; usually what I have to do the next day when I wake up

7. Elvis or James Dean?
Neither :P Richard Dean Anderson

8. Who is one person you can't stand from high school?
Almost ALL of them; I didn't like Highschool; if I flip this around though it would be nice to see some people I did like though I actually miss people like Matt and Emma.

9. What grade did you make in Algebra?
B at maths overall

10. If you could have sex with one person right now, who would it be and why?
"that them thar gurl who plays Willow in Buffy" (/Kneebone) honestly sex isn't that big a deal to me; I'd much rather cuddle up with someone of significant meaning to me than hump anyone randomly

Where's 11?

12. Do you like someone right now?

13. What are you doing right now apart from filling out this quiz?
belive it or not drafing out a Game design for a turn based Stratagy Space conquest game based on the Stargate universe; and its compex @_@ so much Math; I doubt it will ever get coded but the system should be sound if I finish.

14. Do you think lesbians are hot?
Lesbians = women = usually Hot Lesbian Porn = Hot so - the General Consensus is yes

Where's 15?

16. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?

17. Favorite non alcoholic drink?
Coffee Nudge - Dark coco cream, coffee liqueur, brandy, hot coffee, and topped with whipped cream from just below the top with some crushed Hazelnut

18. If you could have one wish, what would it be ?
Maybe the ability to have personal Asgard Beaming technology ^^ that would be quite useful

Where's 19?

20. do you know what tofu is?
a meat Subsittute

21. Have you ever eaten it?
probably at some point; I don't really keep track

22. Do you know what a colonoscopy is?
the name rings a bell

23. Have you ever had one?

24. Do you know who plays at least a small part in every Adam Sandler movie?
No, nor do I care. (/Kneebone)

25. Do you want to go back to high school?
I'm still in Higher Education

26. Who is your worst enemy?
I don't really have any; unless its one I don't know about; I lack the time, Iclanation and energy to make them

27. If you could go back to one time in your life and change something what would it be?
Give myself the Winng lottery numbers; other than that...not much really; I'm a general subscriber to if I change even one thing in my past it has a chain of events that may never happen without a catolyst that changing may have prevented; for example Joe May never Cure cancer beceasuse Carl had a Piano Dropped on his head because Mike went back and saved Harry; so Carl Died instead of Harry; so Joe was never born, Joe never became a doctor and Joe never cured Cancer.

28. This is for guys and girls - Do you or have you ever read Cosmo?
nope; I don't usually have the time or money to buy magazines

29. Have you ever watched the Britney Spears movie 'Crossroads'?
No, and I'm thankful I havn't

30. Do you listen to Lindsay Lohan?

31. Your favorite colour?
Orange and Yellow

32. Paul Walker or Ryan Phillippe?
I have no idea.

33. Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera?
Christina; the girl has some Class

34. Smurfs or Care Bears?
Smurfing me? right in the Smurfing Parkin lot? Smurf yeah!

35. Favorite ex? Why?
Crystal :) because dispite some woberly feet at the begining we still get on great; when we actually find time to chat *hugs*

36. Do you want platinum or gold for your wedding band?
I don't really care....thats so far off I don't even know what it looks like

Where's 37?

38. Do you shave your back??
No. Nor do I need to.

39. Have you ever watched porn and thought it was funny?
Pretty much every time

40. have you ever flashed someone?
no, at least not that I recall

41. Do you love anyone? Who?
Of course :) I love many people; My Sisters; some close friends I love to bits; if you mean romantically - maybe

42. How many children do you want to have?
I'd like 2 girls

Where's 43 and 44?

45. What religion are you?
Pagan :P

46. How many times a day do you watch the same movie?
I usually don't I watch diffferent movies

47. Do you think that the tobacco companies should pay for people's medical bills?
no not really; we all have choices and free will.

48. What scares you?
Spiders; insects in general creep me the fuck out; Clowns

49. What makes you happy?
Firearms, Girls in Bikinis, things that go bang. I'm easy to please

50. If you could have one person in your bed tonight, who would it be?
Isnt this question 10 only without the sex?


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