guess where I am now ???

Jun 26, 2010 17:56

I'm here in tokyo JAPAN !!!
we arrive here at 12  pm yesterday  at narita airport..and then we check in our hotel..(Keio plaza hotel) in shinjuku.
the food here is ...umm..tasty..even it's little bit weird XD but I love it LOL..
hahaha...I'm the one that said I felt not excited but..NOW I'M THE ONE WHO is the most excited !!
my sister was going crazy when we going to shibuya..because the shop here and fashion..OH's the best !! we bought alot of cute stuff..and my mom....she bought  something..umm.weird XD at shibuya 109 building..I don't know what kind of stuff she bought XDD. (109 building is a famous shopping complex here)
I think I want to buy a...umm....KATTUN no more pain CD..yeah...or should I buy ARASHI new single ?? :D
(if it's still left) mehh...gotta decide it tomorrow..aww~!! I wanna sleep for a while..because I'm too tired!!
after this..we gonna go to........ODAIBA!!!!!!! =DDDDD

P/S = my mother and my sister were going crazy as we arrived here =_= suddenly they got alot of energy XD
my father currently was in Anaheim,US..working yeah  ( I wish I can follow my father..because..jin will having a concert there T_T..I wanna go there so badly !!) but here were still fun though..haha...oh yes..we gonna stay here about......1 week only. =D

my life, arashi my new love, my hectic family, express the feeling, jin akanishi, express myself

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