Totally stolen from
thtwzjustadream because I love these things.
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
Dean Winchester/Castiel (Supernatural)
Jensen Ackles/Misha Collins (Supernatural RPF)
Harvey Specter/Mike Ross (Suits)
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind
Sirius Black/Regulus Black
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will (be nice)
Dean Winchester/ anyone else
Castiel/ anyone else
Mike Ross/Rachel Zane
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t (again: be nice)
Wincest, only because I've seen some great authors write it.
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what.
Yeaaaah, check out my fics
A Sirius Christmas (Sirius Black/Remus Lupin) and
Torch of Unitedness (Doctor Who - gen). Also, I may have contributed a bit to the
Great Bagelpoc(o)alypse of 2014 on Tumblr (
with an O).
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom
From 2001 - current, Harry Potter
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it
Aww yiss... Sirius Black/Remus Lupin. I lied, that was the first one I started hardcore shipping, my first OTP was actually Brian Slade/Curt Wilde (Velvet Goldmine).
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., tv shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)
I don't understand what this is asking me to do.
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why
I will always love Supernatural, but I've unfollowed a lot of good people because all they do is wank and I can't stand it. More so the Castiel / Misha Collins lovers. Don't get me wrong, I love the character and the dude too, but jfc this isn't a show revolved around Cas, it's always been a show about brothers. That's basically the shortened version of my rant.
J - Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr
None, because I don't let a website dictate what I like or don't like.
K - Say something nice about someone in any of your fandoms
mayalaen is awesomesauce. She doesn't wank or fill up your dash with stupid shit.
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves (chars you’re neutral on are fair game, as are chars you dislike)
Charlie Bradbury didn't deserve to die.
M - Say something genuinely nice about a ship that you don’t ship (or its shippers, or anything related to you)
All ships are great, even if I don't ship it... it's your thing, do it.
N - Name three things you wish you saw more of in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)
More Monster of the Week episodes in Supernatural
Castiel not to be used as a prop, to actually have a real plot
Crowley to be more badass, again
O - Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of.
Shiny Happy People by R.E.M. (because that's what's on my Pandora rn)... I can see this being the last song of Supernatural, because it's such a happy song. Cheesy, I know, but that's the first thing that came to my mind.
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
Suits: Mike is a detective and Harvey is a serial killer, multi-chaptered, 500,000+ word count. I'm a sucker for serial killer AUs.
Q - A ship you’ve abandoned and why
Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, it wasn't really my thing, but I did love the stories I read.
R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships.
Idk, I really can't think of anything rn.
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
Dean loves to wear girl's panties for Cas only. Cas loves to be told what to do by Dean, Dean being the dom. Angel!Castiel understanding and making plenty of pop culture references.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything)
U - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
Sam fucking Winchester (Supernatural)
Harvey Specter (Suits)
Alex Vause (Orange is the New Black)
Jim Moriarty (Sherlock)
Harley Quinn (umm.. Harley Quinn)
V - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms
Jim Moriarty/Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock, BBC)
Greg House/James Wilson (House)
Tony Stark/Steve Rogers (MCU)
W - 5 favorite ships and 5 kinks you like best for said ships
bondage, D/s, bdsm, angry sex, hurt/comfort
Sam fucking Winchester (Supernatural)
Remus J. Lupin (Harry Potter)
Russell Edgington (True Blood)
Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette (Hamilton: The Musical)
Thomas Jefferson (Hamilton: The Musical)
Mark Renton (Trainspotting)
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)
Really can't think of any rn.
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go (prompts optional but encouraged)
I really hate fandom wank. Like why bitch about something that cannot be changed. People get paid to make these decisions, even though some of them are dumb as fuck, but that doesn't give anyone a reason to go on said writer/producer's Twitter and bitch at them (i.e. Joss Whedon). These people have feelings, too. It's great to have your own opinion, but when it's something as stupid as characters not being cannonical gay or whatever else, there's no reason you should complain... that's what fanfiction is for. And this is basically the longer-ish version of my rant.