fic. "Distance." PG. Shep x Traynor.

Apr 08, 2012 18:30

Title: Distance
Fandom: Mass Effect (3, specifically)
Character(s)/Pairing: pre-Shep/Traynor
Word Count: 308
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine!

You still when you feel her hand on your shoulder. ”Oh! I’m… sorry,” you say, the words tumbling out quicker than you can help it. You feel the urge to cover your mouth but you just smile instead, the corner of your lip twitching up nervously. ”I hope I wasn’t bothering you or anything. Oh! Well… I mean, I know I was in here first, but you’re certainly not bothering me if you’d like to stay.” You gesture out towards the dark expanse of space and something burns a little in your stomach but you try to ignore it.

Shepard shrugs and walks further in, past you and out towards the window - so close she’d just have to reach out a hand, just lift it, to touch it. ”No, don’t worry,” she says, and she’s not looking at you, she’s looking out there, but you feel warm anyway. She turns and smiles and she looks maybe wistful, or maybe amused. ”You’re not bothering me.”

You move beside her, slowly, glad to have company even though you’d come initially to be alone. Her smile broadens you notice, even though she’s looking out again and she bumps you gently with an elbow.

She always looks so at ease, you think, graceful even when she’s fighting - and so strong. She’s bigger than you, a little taller, a little more solid, and you trace the slender wrists that curve up to well-muscled shoulders. Yes, you think. Strong. You don’t want to intrude, but if she doesn’t mind your presence - and you’re glad to have hers - then maybe it’s okay, maybe it’s just nice to stand there together, silent, staring out into the deep black of space with only a few inches between you.

pairing: shep/traynor, rating: pg, genre: pre-romance, fandom: mass effect, character: specialist samantha traynor, character: commander shepard, length: 101-500 words, genre: friendshippy

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