"he's your angel now." pg.

Nov 23, 2011 17:44

Title: He's Your Angel Now
Fandom: Supernatural
Character(s)/Pairing: Sam, implied pre-Dean/Castiel
Prompt: Cas/Dean Dean heards Beyonce's Halo and he realises that there is super-girly song about his relationship. Shit. - written for an anonymous request on tumblr
Word Count: 663
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine!

-Author Notes: Man, this was a crazy request! XD Ahh well. I wrote it!

"Sam. What the hell is this?"

Sam ignores him, hunching further over his tablet. Dean only moves closer and speaks louder. "Sam," he says again. Sam glances up to see Dean's arms crossed over his chest, one eyebrow marginally raised. "What is this shit we're listening to?"

Sam narrows his eyes and gives Dean a particularly withering look, mouth turned down. "Beyonce," he mutters, looking down. A little voice reminds him, low in the back of his ear, not to engage.

Dean looks off to the side with a derisive snort. "Really, Sam? Beyonce?"

"If you don't like it," Sam says, "you don't have to listen."

"Yeah," Dean says, like he has considered Sam's very reasonable suggestion. "Or you could change it."

Sam turns his music's shuffle off.

Dean glares at him for the remainder of the song but manages to hold his tongue - until the next song starts. "Sam, this is pop music crap. Change it."

"Leave the room," Sam says, not in the mood to deal with any of Dean's whining. Maybe some people actually have reasonable tastes in music, and are willing to go beyond their usual, incredibly tiny sphere; Sam thinks Dean will never be one of those people. When Dean does not move he sighs and says "You know, maybe if you listened... you'd actually like it. She's got her angel now," he says, nodding seriously. "I'm sure you can relate."

Seeing Dean do something close to sputtering is priceless. Sam grins. "Shut the hell up," Dean tells him. He looks a little put out. "Cas isn't my angel. Jesus. And this song..." He shakes his head and does something weird with his mouth, opening and closing it like he can't decide what to say. Sam decides Dean is more amusing than the cat macros he was looking at instead of doing research. "Damn it, Sam, this song isn't about us."

Is that a challenge? Sam decides that's probably a challenge. He pulls up a search engine and types in the song name, then taps the link. He clears his throat - and he knows it's obnoxious and that it will irritate Dean even more. "I can... feel your halo," he says. "Well. I don't know what you and Cas have been doing but - "

"Oh ha ha ha," Dean says. He sneers. "We don't... He's an angel, Sam. If you forgot? And in some poor guy's body. We haven't..." Dean frowns, deeply, crossing his arms over his chest. "It's not like that with me and Cas, okay?"

Sam just nods along like he agrees. Sam doesn't doubt nothing's happened, but Dean's a liar if he says he doesn't want anything to. "Okay," he says, "that's just one line. There's more." Dean is watching him, eyes narrowed, and Sam fights back a grin. "Hmm. It's like I've been awakened," he reads. "Pulled you out of hell, so I think that one counts. And: every rule I had you breaking." Sam looks up at his brother and he can't help it; a smile spreads out across his face. "I think that's a point, too. The nerdy guy did, you know. Rebel against heaven for you."

Dean leans over a little, trying to get a look at the screen. Sam puts his arm across it. "That song's not about us," Dean blurts out. "And if you're not going to turn off the damn music then I'm leaving."

He looks at Sam as though waiting for him to stop him, but Sam just gestures to the door. "Be my guest," he says. "Wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable. You know," he says. "With feelings." The song ends and Sam turns the music off.

Dean glares at him - looking actively angry now. "Damn it," he says, in what Sam's going to view as capitulation. He walks sullenly to the door.

"Don't worry about your feelings for Cas," Sam says. Dean speeds up. Sam grins. "I support your choices!"

Dean slams the door behind him.

genre: humor, character: sam winchester, rating: pg, fandom: supernatural, character: dean winchester, pairing: dean/castiel

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