"Sevenfold" Yellow: Gluttony

Feb 06, 2009 17:55

Color: Yellow
Sin: Gluttony
Chapter Title: Goes Down Smooth (21/49)
Word Count: 672
Disclaimer: Not mine.


Anzu sat on her couch, dejectedly staring at the box in her lap. The white card attached to it read "To Anzu, from your Secret Admirer". The big, bright yellow ribbon seemed to mock her.
She was not happy.

Now usually any girl would be delighted to receive a box - most likely filled with rich, decadent chocolates - from a flattering member of the sterner sex. However, Anzu only had one boy that she wished to receive chocolates from, and after the all-too-revealing phone call she just had with him, he had not been the one to send it.

Yugi only saw her as a friend. He would never see her as anything but a friend.

"I suppose I shouldn't blame you," Anzu muttered, fingering the ends of the big, floppy bow. "You're just a box. It isn't your fault Yugi-kun didn't send you." She sighed and picked up the card again. "Secret admirer, huh? I hope this isn't someone's sick idea of a joke." She turned the card over; the company's name was listed, along with their address. She sighed again. "No clues at all. Oh well. Time to see what's inside!"

So Anzu carefully untied the bow.

The yellow, satin ribbon fell away from the box. The package really was beautiful - the dark, rick brown of the box contrasted nicely with the bright, warm yellow of the ribbon. She gently took the lid off.

"Wow," she breathed, her eyes wide. Inside the box, eleven beautifully crafted pieces of chocolate lay nestled in their neat little crinkle-paper cups. And each one was shaped like a different duel monster.

"This is amazing," she said to herself. "They almost look... real! But why are there only eleven?" She picked up the empty paper cup. In small, silver letters it read: "The Blue-Eyes White Dragon". Anzu snorted. “Great. Not only is it not from Yugi, there’s a chocolate missing!” She scrunched the cup into a little ball in her fist and threw it off to the other side of the room. The possible significance of just which monster was missing totally escaped her; she was so hung up on one duelist that it never crossed her mind another could be interested in her.

“All right,” she said. “Enough of this disappointment. I don’t care who sent these to me, they’re mine now and I’m going to enjoy them.” She picked up the miniature dark magician and smiled sadistically at it. “Time to see if you taste as good as you look.”

And she popped it into her mouth.

Not only did it taste as good as it looked, she realized as she chewed - it tasted better. She had never tasted chocolate so divine in all her life. It was rich and creamy, melting on her tongue like it had been that well crafted just to one day be eaten by her. And it tasted so pure - like chocolate was truly supposed to taste. So pure, in fact, that as soon as she had finished the first piece she immediately began working on the other ten.

She ate monster after monster - not even pausing to give credence to the thought that perhaps eating eleven good-sized pieces of rich chocolate in one sitting wasn’t such a good idea. So she just kept eating, until the whole box was empty and her stomach was very full. She sat back contentedly, sprawled on her couch, her hand on her belly and the box at her side.

“Wow. Just wow.” Anzu yawned happily. “All that chocolate made me tired.” She stood slowly, stretching as she rose. A nap seemed like the perfect activity, and her large, comfortable bed was calling.

She spotted the Blue-Eyes wrapper she had thrown lying on the floor. Absently, she picked it up and stuck it in her pocket, making a mental note to throw it away later.

Her last thought before plopping down on her bed was that when chocolate is that good, a little gluttony is completely excusable.



misc.: yellow, genre: general, genre: pre-romance, misc.: gluttony, fandom: ygo, length: 501-1000 words, fic: sevenfold, rating: g, character: mazaki anzu/téa gardner

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