"Sevenfold" Yellow: Pride

Feb 05, 2009 16:42

Color: Yellow
Sin: Pride
Chapter Title: Before a Fall (17/49)
Word Count: 685
Disclaimer: Not mine.


He saw most of the fight.
The yelling had woken him up early that morning, when the sun was just barely in the sky. The sound of breaking glass had then convinced him to get out of bed. After checking his brother’s bedroom and seeing the comforter still as neat as when the maids arranged it, he had crept downstairs to see what the commotion was.

And, just as he had suspected he would, he saw Seto and Anzu having another fight. And the shards of a once-beautiful yellow vase were a tell-tale sign that he had made her angry enough to chuck something at his head. Mokuba had strained his ears, trying to discover what the cause of the fight might have been.

“No, I don’t want to hear any excuses,” Anzu had yelled. “I’m sick of this- I’m sick of you!”

“Anzu, you’re being ridiculous.”

“No, Seto, you’re being ridiculous.” Mokuba had seen her stomp off out of his line of sight, only to reappear moments later with an overstuffed suitcase in her hand. “And I’m sick of it! Whatever you might have thought or imagined- whatever ill-founded accusations you might have wanted to make- there was no need to do so in front of my parents! How could you do that to me! What will they think?”

“Anzu, I wasn’t entirely myself then. I-“

“I’m perfectly aware of that, Seto. But you wouldn’t say that when you were drunk unless you had been thinking it when you were sober. And no, I’ll tell you again- I have never and I will never cheat on you! I can’t even believe you’d think that.”

“What conclusion was I supposed to draw? You were flirting with him shamelessly. Perhaps you weren’t planning on ever sleeping with him, but he obviously thought that you wouldn’t mind one day warming his bed.”

“Damn it, Seto, that is total garbage and you know it. I never had any interest in him whatsoever. You were wrong. I’ll admit, I may have unintentionally given off the wrong impression. I can admit when I did something that perhaps wasn’t the wisest thing ever. But you... Oh no, you are infallible! Nothing you do is wrong! Nothing you think could possibly be nothing more than prideful, jealous conjecture. The great Kaiba Seto doesn’t make mistakes, does he?”

“No, he doesn’t,” Seto had snapped back fiercely, “so how do you think I feel when-“

“At this point, I don’t care how you feel. I would have forgiven you easily if you weren’t so damn proud. Why can’t you apologize? It hurt me that you would even think me capable of infidelity. I wouldn’t be with you if I wanted another man. But can you appreciate my feelings? Do you care at all? No! All you care about is proving yourself right! I can’t take that.”

Mokuba sighed. What a way to spend a morning. The yelling continued, but he didn’t stay to watch it. Anzu was obviously leaving, and Seto was doing nothing to convince her to stay. Shaking his head at his stubborn brother, Mokuba headed up to the second-story office and Seto’s private line. Anzu was right- Seto had enough pride for two or three men. And if the emotionally crippled genius wouldn’t do anything to rectify the situation, it was up to the charming younger brother to save the day.

The office was a mess- probably Seto’s brooding cave of choice. A half-full bottle of liquor stood on the desk, a cup filled with golden poison sitting daringly on a pile of KaibaCorp documents. With a sigh, Mokuba picked up the phone and dialed a number that had been memorized since Anzu had moved in.

“Hello? Yes, this is Kaiba Mokuba. I’d like to place an order for a delivery to a Mazaki Anzu. Yes, just like last time: two dozen yellow roses. Oh no, not from me. Yes, they had another fight. She might be leaving for good unless I can convince him to apologize. Thank you. And yes- make up a card from Kaiba Seto, please.”



misc.: yellow, genre: post-romance, rating: pg, fandom: ygo, genre: drama, character: kaiba mokuba, pairing: seto/anzu, character: kaiba seto, length: 501-1000 words, misc.: pride, character: mazaki anzu/téa gardner

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