Five Firefly Comment Fics

Jan 31, 2009 21:22

Firefly Comment-Fic Collection Post #3

Character(s)/Pairing: Jayne/River + Simon
Prompt: "You know, if I didn't know any better I'd think she had a crush on you."
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine!

"Jayne... What is that?"

The big merc cleared his throat, embarrassed. "Uh... I ain't real sure. Your, uh..." He looked away, scowling lightly. He coughed. "Your mei mei gave it to me."

Simon laughed. "River? She gave you... that?" He gestured to the bundle of red cloth on the table in front of Jayne. "It looks..." Simon cleared his throat and made a motion to pick it up. "Could I, uh...?"

"Whatever, doc," Jayne answered, scratching his head. "Look if'n ya want."

Carefully, Simon picked up the mass of bound cloth. He frowned, examining it more intently. "It... I think it's a heart."


"I think it's a heart," Simon repeated. "And... and considering the materials used, it's a-actually very close to scale."

"Well." Jayne grunted, looking away. "Ain't that great."

Simon laughed hesitantly. "River gave you... a heart. You know, if I didn't know any better I'd think she had a crush on you."

"A crush? On me?" Jayne scoffed, crossing his arms defensively over his chest. Simon didn't need to see the note, perfumed and written in neat, feminine script - with a poem leaving Jayne in absolutely no doubt how River felt. "That's the most gorram ridiculous thing I ever heard."


Character(s)/Pairing: Jayne/River
Prompt: 21st Century TV Shows
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine!

"That's stupid."

River didn't even look at him. "Incorrect assessment. Man-called-Jayne cannot appreciate the quality of this entertainment."

"Puh." He leaned back on the cushion, rolling his eyes at her narrow back. "Yeah, 'cause there ain't no entertainment there."

They'd been watching some sort of programming on the Cortex - from the 21st century, River had informed him - for the past two and a half hours. Some of it was funny, but Jayne was getting tired of it; everything River had picked to watch was, in his own words, "ruttin' girly go se no self-respectin' fella would ever be caught dead lookin' at".

She had the control in her hand. And she did look pretty engrossed in the show... Jayne leaned up a little, quietly as he could. She probably wouldn't notice if he just reached out and -

"Don't even consider it," River snapped, putting the controller on the floor and then crossing her legs over it. "Man-called-Jayne can endure or leave."

He scowled. "Stupid moonbrain."

River just smiled, never looking away from the screen.


Character(s)/Pairing: Jayne/River
Prompt: Sudoku
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine!

"What?! Why do you stare? This scrutiny is unwarranted and man-called-Jayne will not be tolerated for - "

"Hey." He pulled her tiny body up against his massive one and kissed her temple. River petulantly rubbed the kiss away, scooting away from him. Jayne rolled his eyes and took her pencil, pointing to a small, empty square. "Jus' thought you'd like to know a nine's s'posed to go there."


Character(s)/Pairing: River and Simon
Prompt: the Academy
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine!

"Simon!" River burst through the door, dropping her books and coat to the floor. "Where is Simon?"

"I'm right here, mei mei," her big brother said, spreading his arms wide.

Happily she rushed into him, squeezing him as tightly as she could. Simon chuckled and returned the hug.

"You should come visit more often, Simon," she chastised, giving his shoulder a light punch.

He gave an exaggerated look of pain, rubbing the spot she'd hit. "I came as soon as I got a break, River. The hospital's just been... busy lately." She rolled her eyes at him and he grinned. "Father said you've been a lot of trouble lately; he said there's a program that you - "

"Yes. For exceptionally gifted students not satisfied with their current educational programs. I have already arranged a time for the interview."

Simon raised a skeptical brow. "I thought you weren't going to be allowed to go."

River made a face. "Our parents have said that I will not be attending, but I know my ge ge can talk them into anything."

"Well..." He grinned and gave her another quick hug. "I'll talk to them. But don't get your hopes up too high - they may not listen."

"They will." She smiled happily and went up on her toes to peck his cheek. "Simon is the best big brother."

"I try," he admitted wryly. "You're my favorite sister, after all. And I'd do anything for you."


Character(s)/Pairing: Jayne/River
Prompt: Video Games
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine!

"Attention please!"

Everyone turned quickly to look at a grinning River, who was rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet, looking far too much like a cat who'd gotten into the cream.

"What is it, Albatross?" Mal asked, wiping a few stray drops of water from his lips. "Y'got some big news for us?"

"Not me," River sang, her smile growing bigger. "Your mercenary has an urgent announcement. Enter, man-called-Jayne!"

With obvious reluctance, the big man trudged in. He scowled, his eyes fixed on the floor, as everyone else looked at him expectantly.

River pouted and poked him. "Well?"

He took in a deep breath and let it out in a long, weary sigh. "I got somethin' that it is... imperative y'all know." He sighed again, glaring and setting his shoulders. River giggled, her hands over her mouth. "Jayne," he said loudly, as though reading from a script, "is a girl's name."

Mal gaped and Simon actually dropped the chopsticks he'd been holding, shocked at the big man's proclamation.

"Just thought that all o' you deserved to know." He cast River a ferocious sideways glare; the girl looked about as proud and pompous as it was possible for her to look. "An' also," he sneered, "don't never play this girl in no kind o' video game. She lies 'bout what the buttons do an' she even admitted that she gorram cheats."


Feedback always appreciated.

character: malcolm reynolds, misc.: collection post, rating: pg, genre: multi, character: simon tam, misc.: prompt fic, fandom: firefly, pairing: river/jayne, character: river tam, genre: romance, character: jayne cobb

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