Title: Wild Stallions
Character(s)/Pairing: Mal/Jayne
Prompt: SLASH!!! Jayne/Anyone - preferrably Jayne/Mal or Jayne/Wash. Also a fan of Jayne/Zoe (probably the only het pairing I am a fan of). Romance, humour, smut, fluff... just no major angst.
Written For:
ru_salki99, for the 2008
serenity_santa exchange.
Rating: R
Set: pre-"Serenity" (the pilot)
Word Count: 1971
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Comments 11
Heh - oh, I totally agree. Angry!Jayne is deliciously awesome.
Thanks again!
Feedback: I normally don't read/write csi, non-con or slash, but I enjoy your writing so here I am. IMHO, the fight scene was well-written, the characters voices were true. I can hear Jayne saying: “Sly? Aww, hell no, I’ll f!ck anything.” I can see Mal & Jayne fighting for the Alpha spot. Hmmm, plot bunny hopping by.
Concrit: "Mal grit his teeth" I think it should be Mal gritted his teeth, or ground his teeth.
-Ahh! Thank you. That's one of those I'm never really sure about; and I don't like how "gritted" sounds, so I usual just tell myself "grit" is in the past tense. Heh. I'll change it to ground! I didn't even think of that. Thanks again!
And I am very glad they were in character; these two don't scream "couple" to me, so I decided to make 'em fight. Heh. Ooh, I dangle a carrot in front of that bunny. Hee.
Thanks again!
And I tell you what, you didn't disappoint. I loved it and it was a fantastic first Mal/Jayne. Their characterisation was perfect and there is so much potential in it. But alas. I shall go bounce off now to add it to my memories. Thank you. It was an awesome gift.
Yeah, I was wondering how to start and I was watching that episode and I thought "Oh yes."
I'm so glad that I handled it well! I usually feel like I have Jayne down well, but Mal is almost always a challenge. I thought this really antagonistic feel would help, and it did.
So glad you liked it; you are very, very welcome. ^^
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I know what you mean; it's a certain type of Mal/Jayne fic that'll catch my interest. I really don't get Mal/Jayne fluff - it makes very little sense to me. I've read some very good pieces that were kinda fluffy, but always like the "rawr!angry!fighting" pieces better. Heh.
*laughs* Oh, awesome response. Heh.
I'm glad you liked it. Hee. Ooh, YES. I know what you mean; love Mal, but he just needs a good "seein' to" sometimes. ^^
Hee. I'm all flattered. Thanks again!
(Loved the little Wash/Jayne snippet too. Completely in character for both of them & now I have the sudden urge to write a Jayne/Wash/River playing with dinosaurs fic. ♥)
Hee. Glad you liked the drabble, too! Ooh, that would be adorable. I shamelessly encourage that. Heh. :)
Ahh, yes. Angry!Jayne. Hee. And I'm glad you liked the dinosaurs! That's such a fun element about Wash to work with. ^^
Anyway, thanks again.
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