"Sevenfold" Orange: Envy.

Nov 28, 2008 17:41

Series: Sevenfold
Color: Orange
Sin: Envy
Chapter Title: Cut From the Same Cloth (10/49)
Word Count: 1031
Disclaimer: Not mine.


Anzu glanced at her watch for the third time since leaving her apartment, then winced at what she saw. She was already running late. “Oh man,” she muttered under her breath, pushing herself to run faster, “he’s not gonna let me live this down.”

She raced through the entrance to the park, making her way down familiar paths to the meeting point they had agreed on. He would probably already be there, impatiently waiting, a scowl on his pretty face. And maybe the sun would be golden and soft around him, and the wind would be gently blowing, and...

Anzu chuckled to herself as she cleared her head of those stray thoughts. She had no right to be thinking of him that way, not even though she was attracted to him. They had decided to be friends- a relationship would never work. She had already told him how she felt, and he didn’t feel the same way. She was perfectly aware of how stupid it was to jeopardize their friendship by indulging in her little fantasies.

Her pace slowed as she neared the appointed spot. He was indeed there, sitting on the wooden bench with his legs crossed, staring at her with a frown. She couldn’t help but let herself grin.

“Sorry I’m late,” she said, walking towards him. He stood up to greet her, smoothing out the legs of his pants as he straightened up to his full height. She cracked a happy smile. “I was unavoidable detained.”

He rolled his eyes. “I’m sure.” His tone was dry, but she could tell that he was pleased to see her. “Shall we proceed?”

Anzu nodded happily. “Of course! I’m all pumped up from my run here, and a nice brisk walk is just what I need.”

He didn’t say anything, merely turning to the left and staring to walk down the path. Happily, she followed. He looked as good as usual, his hair perfectly in place, the deep chocolate jacket he wore- which she knew from experience was soft- making his fair skin glow. He was also wearing the fuzzy orange sweater she had given him for his birthday; it was thin, but the sales associate had assured her it was warm. It made something in her heart begin to heat up to know that he cared enough to wear her present.

He really looked beautiful in it, even if orange was one of his least favorite colors.

Usually their were silent on their walks, but Anzu had been feeling particularly loquacious earlier that day, and she lost no time in engaging him in an animated conversation. How was Mokuba? How was work going? Did the cold he had been suffering from finally go away? He’d respond in short, clipped answers, but occasionally he’d put forth an inquiry of his own. How was her dancing going? Was she enjoying her last year of high school? Did her father find a new job after having been laid off? They weren’t the most lively of talkers, but it meant so much to Anzu that he’d even talk at all.

She didn’t want to say she loved him. She knew that if she ever accepted that she did, then she’d never be able to face him again. He was a good man and a wonderful friend, but that was all he would ever be. He would never care about her like she cared about him- and she had learned to live with that. It didn’t bother her much, not really- and not when she could at least spend time with him platonically.

But there were moments when she felt the barriers slipping.

There were moments when all she wanted to do was tell the world how she felt about him, screaming at the top of her lungs, leaping into his arms and having him hold her as she proclaimed that they were the happiest couple on the planet. She only wanted to be near him. As he went on a bit of a rant about another incompetent employee, she allowed herself to have a little sigh. How she wished he would talk that excitedly about her. She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye; he was thrown into the conversation, concentrating totally on what he was saying. It was painful, but it still made her heart flutter.

A sudden, strange thought floated up in her mind. If only he was wearing her instead of the sweater- if only she were made of cloth instead of skin. Then she could wrap around him, soft and warm on smooth skin, touching every inch of his upper body, close to him every second of the day. It was absurd, but she had never in her life been more jealous of anything than she was of that silly orange sweater. It was so lucky- and not even alive to be aware of its luck! What would she give to be that close to the man she loved? To let fingers of thread course down his arms, being in a perpetual hug the whole day. And to be put on... He’d slide her onto his body, over his head- where she’d briefly finger through his soft hair- arms through the sleeves, adjusting and fitting until she was on him snugly.

Oh, she was sure he could wear her well.

However, her bout of jealousy was interrupted. “Anzu?” he called impatiently, trying to recapture her attention. “Anzu, are you listening to me?”

She shook her head a little, then flashed him a brilliant smile. “Oh, sorry. I just... spaced out for a minute there.” She looked down apologetically. “I didn’t mean to ignore you. Sorry.”

He rolled his eyes- second time in just one day. “That’s fine. I realize that your inattention wasn’t purposeful.” She nodded, and he restated what she had missed.

“One day,” she thought hopefully, “I’ll tell you how I feel again- and this time you’ll feel the same way. I don’t mind waiting, not if you’re my prize.” She gave his stream of words half an ear as she glared fiercely at the stripe of orange peeking out around his neckline.

“Damn sweater.”



genre: general, rating: pg, misc.: orange, misc.: envy, genre: introspection, fandom: ygo, character: kaiba seto, genre: friendshippy, fic: sevenfold, character: mazaki anzu/téa gardner, length: 1000-2500 words

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