"Mistress Tam's Response." Sonnet. Rated PG.

Nov 27, 2008 20:32

Title: Mistress Tam's Response
Fandom: Firefly
Character(s)/Pairing: Rayne
Summary: River, pleased with Jayne's Sonnet, responds in kind.
Disclaimer: Joss Whedon owns; I only play. No profit will be made today.
Word Count: 109
-Author Notes: This was much harder to write than the first, and the meter goes a little wonky in like two places. I'm not ( Read more... )

length: 101-500 words, fandom: firefly, rating: pg, pairing: river/jayne, character: river tam, poem: sonnet, genre: romance

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Comments 5

pladbelle_87 November 28 2008, 02:56:14 UTC
You posted it just in time!!!!!!

Holy of all Holiness!

My girl- your man-parts: all we need to play.
Serenity's crew surely will be vexed,
But ignore them we can - we're getting sexed.

*falls back laughing too hard*

That was great!!

*giggle fit*

I can just see Jayne's face as he reads this: Frowns, frown disappears, raises one eyebrow, devious smile, rumbling chuckle, and leaves to find River.


an_ardent_rain November 28 2008, 03:07:29 UTC
*beam* Yay! Hee. Thanks for the comment! Tee hee.

So glad you liked it!

And YES - oh, completely YES. That is exactly what Jayne would do. Hee.


pladbelle_87 November 28 2008, 03:10:47 UTC
Hehehe... This is totally good for a fic of yours. XD


an_ardent_rain November 28 2008, 03:23:36 UTC
Yes it is!

I may just have to write it soon... ~_^ Hee.


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