(no subject)

Nov 06, 2011 12:52

Stolen from teh filthy_bunny

Six names you go by
Six?!  Ffs...
Jenn - pretty much EVERYONE calls me this. 
Jenny - certain members of my family are too dense to get that I dropped the y over fifteen years ago and DO NOT LIKE IT
Acid - yay!
Jennifer - when I'm answering the phone - it's clearer for strangers for hear and of course things like bills and stuff are done under my full name
Gothic Zebra - one of my handles
Blaze Fielding - is my alter ego, enacted when I require anonymity.

Three things you are wearing right now
White top
Black fleece
Green cargos

Three things you want very badly at the moment
More time
For my holiday plans to sort themselves

Three people whom you hope will do the meme
Jordeh, Nik, Aurelin, 'cause we don't hear from these guys enough

Three things you did last night
Saw the fireworks display at Markeaton Park, celebrating Guy Fawkes Night and remembering Guy and the other plotters
Ate and drank at TGI Friday's
Nearly completed Magic Land Dizzy, first played in 1991 and still never finished, fucking bastard evil game.

Three people you last talked on the phone
The lady from Boots Opticians who said my new glasses had been delayed
The waitress at TGI's who answered when I called about a reservation
Fay who was working at home and called about work

Three things you are going to do tomorrow
Go to Scribes
Play pool
Go to work

Four of your favourite drinks
Green tea
Vodka cocktails
Orange juice

Three things that made you smile today
I haven't been up all that long...
The fact that, with Gary back in Spain for the moment, my house is clean and will REMAIN clean until next weekend
Looking at Star Trek Scene It that Vicky bought me for my birthday and we played on Friday night at my party
Morning Musume's Love Machine video, which is still horrifically comically awful
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