Saw a Winter's Tale last night. First act was great, second act was ok. great acting as always though.
Doing tech for Comic Book Club tonight. Fourth time for me, and it's their two-year anniversary. Neato.
Finished reading Grant Morrison's Animal man. It was crazy and great.
Watched Ocean's 11 and 12 for the first time. Fun movies. Soderbergh is great.
Been listening to so much fucking King Crimson.
5th episode of the podcast is up. of you check it out?
Saw Cloud Minder last weekend.
Woe last Monday. Both shows were great.
Hung out with Evan and Shannon. I always enjoy being with them.
Hung out with Tamara and Mike Sunday night, just driving around, talking. She seems nice.
On Monday went over to Tim (director of shorts I've worked on), who showed me his equipment in detail and talked to me about opportunities that will hopefully be happening (!).
One more thing, and then it's go-time.
Been having insomnia as of late. Blech.