So I had some pretty weird dreams.
The first I can barely remember, but it had to do with me working at Borders, and it was 1:30am and we closed at 1. But people wouldn't leave. Then for some reason it became a giant sleep over. And when you fell asleep, you got painted to look like a 4chan meme. WEIRD.
The next dream was me in my house knowing that Tony Stark (Iron Man). Was watching me. I knew he had some shit planned for me and I was freaked out. The TV stayed on this one show, no matter what channel. And when I pulled the plug, it showed the slime from Ghostbusters 2. Then I yelled for Tony to come out cause I knew he was there. He then told me he knew everyone's secrets. I asked what mine was. he said, "The world gives you anything you want." For some reason this got me really excited and we yelled and jumped up and down. But then I realized he meant that everything is handed to me. Booooo.
The next dream was me in some trendy town, like New Hope, PA or Salem, Mass. A touristy, fake-old town. Stefanie, Jeremy, Alex and probably others were there. I'm walking down, telling someone something when I notice the guitarist (but in the dream I think he's the bassist) who was in an opening band at the Nekromantix show. I see him and say "You know, Time Again is a really good band." to whatever friend I'm with. I hear the bassist/guitarist say "Nice!"
Then for some reason, that guy gets handed a bass and plays along with this saxophonist who's playing a saxophone that is like 5 feet long. They try playing, but the guy from Time Again keeps fucking up. Then I see this guy with a gun who had a baby in a car with him. I want to grab the bass to hit him, but realize that's dumb. And then the baby got out and my cat (named) Poop walked over it. The guy was in his car and moving around a lot, so I figure he's gonna get his gun and shoot us. So I run over and FLIP THE FUCKING CAR. I see a gunshot go off in the car. Then he crawls out and I grab the gun which is broken into a few pieces. Some guys grab the gunman and say "He shot himself in the face!"
Then everyone disperses No one comes and says thank you or congratulates me or anything! I become bitter. I notice Alex, Stef and Jeremy are eating in a restaurant without me. I walk away and some guy says he just helped save that baby to this pizza-place chef. The chef says he can come in and get some pizza. I ask aboot me, the guy says he doesn't know if I did anything. I told him I had the pieces of the gun in my hand. He walks off and I call him an asshole. I then run up to him saying I'm gonna kick his ass. The guy is big and probably better at fighting than me. I tell him that he will probably win, but I'll make sure he gets hurt.
Then I wake up.
I went to go see 28 Weeks Later last night and Awesome was there waiting in line! He was with his two friends. After the movie, Awesome came with me and we picked up Cheryl and Matt. Matt went home and then the three of us went to my house, and then the rustic diner. Awesome ordered fries and we didn't order anything. When the waitress asked if that's all we wanted, and we said yes, she said, "Really?" in this really disappointed tone. The check came out to be $3.05, and we gave her a 5 buck tip. Then we drove Cheryl back home and I drove Awesome home.
I came back, read some Wolverine and Get in the Van by Henry Rollins and slept. I felt like garbage last night in bed. My throat was sore, still is too, and I felt like I was gonna throw up. I kept getting up every 20 minutes too. Then Stef called around 3am, we spoke some and then i went back to sleep.