(no subject)

Feb 07, 2006 22:20

oh yeah...forgot about the security stuff.....uhmm yeah that worm that came out. you shoudl have heard about it was on the news. I don't know why they put THIS one on the news and stuff. They act liek wormsand viruses don't come out all the time.I thought it was a hoax at first and i don't know anyone who was infected. i haven't really read anything on it.

Good News:
I am Learning Perl
I know basics of C++
I know enough sql and PHP to use the exploits on em
yeah and html and javascript and vbscript...but..who doesn't know those?
I think they taught a monkey HTML.....yeah....sad how people think they are cool cause they know HTML
I am learning stuff about computers everyday
I found a hacker group in huntsville- well more like a computer group- called 2600.Everyone knows what 2600 is if you've ever been anywhere near the hacker scene.yeah They meet madison square mall food court from like 6 to closing. bring laptops and other cool stuff. Its been here for liek 5 years and i just heard about it last year and just now have the free time to go to them.
I discovered CYGWIN which i should have been introduced earlier. www.cygwin.com lets me run a linux like enviroment on windows. it is pretty cool.
Uhmmmmm....i finally saw what the mall in huntsville really looks like because i wore my glasses. Thought i saw girls checking me out...but wasn't sure...i'd like to imagine though....mayeb they were just looking at me cause i had on glasses IDK! INSECURITIES!!!! Where is my jacket!?
I suck at typing and i've been with a pc for so many years!
uh uh uh uh uh uhOH! i set up a wireless network at my house. yeah..but i'm still on dial-up.
I got a laptop for x-mas
i'm thinking about putting Gentoo on it.
I gave my old pc which had Gentoo on it to my lil bro and installed win 98 on it.
ITS bullshit all just bullshit...its all gay all that crap is all gay. Brianne shouldn't be punished for that...so gay! (one post down)
i'm pretty much bored right now....
and i am very aware no one will read this except maybe liz....
i need freidns on lj so they can start getting help on pc problems and stuff. if i had alot of freinds on here i would update more.
who would read such a long post anyways? i wouldn't....no way..not even if it wa smy gf's...this is just to long to read.
if you are reading this then you must be pretty bored or like me alot or are being forced to read with a gun in your back.
it really sucks....
i really hope she gets to graduate(one post down)
yeah Perl is easier than C++...i'm forgot alot of C++. it just doens't stick with me....and i can't do much with perl but run CGI stuff for websites and i don't want to do that.
i wanna make security tools. i wanan write exploits. i wanna becoe a Penetration tester and join a team and get paid alot. Or just a network security manger and test my network everyday!
I hope i get to do that stuff. i have the ambition. My grades are sucking and i don't knwo why....but i am learnign alot about computers and such so thats good..

i hate my name "acid_data'...what does that even mean??????? its gay.
i need a new one
a cool one

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