I had a wonderful day with Christina yesterday, eating lunch at
Tango downtown and enjoying a pedicure in the late afternoon. We felt lazy and decided to come home and watch television which, of course, included the America's Got Talent finale. I was pleased to see the ventriloquist win, but still feel Butterscotch deserved it overall.
Around 5:00 I started getting this really bad headache, so when Christina left around 10:00 I crawled into bed. I woke up periodically through the night, still with the headache. I only had a travel-size bottle of Tylenol which was in the glove compartment of my car so I didn't bother taking anything, I'd just figured sleep would fix it. I figured wrong. I woke up feeling nauseous and seeing a little flash of light in my left eye. Migraine, or something. So it's bedtime for me - packing can wait until tomorrow because today is Jordan's last day of work.
Figuring out when we're moving into our Toronto apartment has been a week-long ordeal. Last Sunday I called my landlord asking if she knew when the tenant was moving out. The tenant called the next morning while I was at work, and left his work number. The landlord called and left his email. Since I was working during the day I figured email would be the smartest; too bad I wrote down a letter wrong and didn't realize my email hadn't gone through until late in the week. I called and emailed some more, but couldn't get a hold of him. So finally last night I tried searching his number, but he's unlisted. This morning my landlord got back to me and gave me his home phone number. Here's hoping that when I call today he'll be able to tell me when the hell we can move in... and here's hoping it can be Friday or Saturday.
To bed I go.