Jun 06, 2006 13:15
Jonah tipped his head and knocked back a shot of 151. He grimaced, "Why do we, who consider ourselves the most advanced creature, deny ourselves the basic right of every animal, to kill one another?" he paused, sighing heavily. "We've created the soul as a method of self preservation. Who can kill me if they believe they're destroying something so precious, so unknown and ethereal, as a soul?
"Some brilliant fucking coward thought up the soul so that he could say- Stop! You're not just destroying that animal body, that piece of everything else earthly, you're destroying something beautiful, a part of God's favorite line of creation. But he didn't really believe it, he just didn't want anyone to kill him, he was just following his self preservation instincts like the rest of us." He paused again and looked around the room.
"But I don't fuckin' buy it. We, each of us, is just another animal, another ball of muscle and organs, a fragile sculpture of bone and flesh. I plan to take full advantage of my animal rights." Jonah tipped back another shot and stood up. He reached into his coat and pulled out a .50 Desert Eagle. The man he'd been talking to at the bar stood up in alarm.
"You're serious." he gasped, backing away.
"You're damn right I'm serious."
Jonah pulled the trigger and watched the body tumble to the floor.