May 04, 2006 21:44
I just...I feel like life is an empty canoe floating down a river. You hit the rapids and the smooth parts and sometimes you get caught in the brush along the bank. Maybe you even flip over once or twice, but it's so very rare that you'll actually end up on the bottom or splinter into a million pieces.
People are shocking resilient and it always amazes me. Not even just the big things, but those little things too- that build and build and eventually you've got a million tiny little cracks and smudges, but you keep going.
I don't feel like I've changed much since coming to college except that I appreciate so many things so much more. My family, my friends, my experiences, my free time (I can barely remember it, hehe), imagination, art, animals, the evolution of society, my ability to deal with shit (it's not incredible, but it'll do for now). I don't know, I'm sure I have changed, but I can't see it so much. Despite my really hurty sore throat, all the work I still have to do, the fact that all of a sudden I'm missing people I haven't missed lately (eugh, boys), I feel relatively good.
In summary, I've got 10 days left and it's been a damn fine year, despite all the scrapes and bruises.
school year's end