Nothing much :/

Nov 02, 2005 02:23

Nothing much happened tonight, talked to a person in lemonade to pass onto the shells what happened last night...talked to stellar in solstice so they can discuss the situation and figure it out...wasn't going to mention it to anyone and let it be solved by solstice sacs but friend said it'd be better that both shells know what's going on and have them know it and handle it instead of finding out the hard way.

Tried solo'ing my ninja...that didn't work for a damn...was 400 I'm 1,000 tnl lol. Just a note...worms do cast spells when you melee up close...rasp and melee damage = sucks...-ga to die with doesn't help either lol. BUT I did notice that the xp bonus ring effects stay on even if you die and home point lol.

Dynamis Windy wednesday...then possibly jeuno sunday. I hate windy though...such a PoS map for dynamis. Hopefully when I go we destroy it like we did bastok and I can get a few steals to succeed.

Signed up for a KS99(behemoth) run that manabomb will do but I have to wait for them to give me notice of when it'll happen. Maybe if I'm lucky and have enough time I can farm another stack of kindred seals and see if they'd do 2 runs for me lol. Even if I got 5m from each run and they took 2m of it...that leaves me with 8m to tinker with. I seriously want to up a craft but I don't know which one I want to do. Alchemy was nice, but after the ranger "fix" there isn't much to do for cash like there used to (hawker +1 was nice) and now I don't know if it'd be all that profiable. But I get ahead of myself on that, I'd have to do the ks99 run(s) first and see what all drops. I've seen some people get super lucky and walk away with 20m+ in drops to be split so I am hoping for any sort of profit.

Yes, I am's 2:30 am and I can't sleep for squat and my head isn't working too well :/ I'll finish with that.
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