Alright I RARELY update this beast, mainly because I'm busy with classes and getting tired more of venting my fucked up life than just enduring the damn thing. So I'll start updating on what happens in FFXI since it's been going really well lately.
First the out of game junk:
-Turned 21 on Oct 22...had beers on saturday, tuesday, thursday, friday...still think beer tastes like crap but that's the only "recreational activity" this college seems to do.
-Been busy as hell doing class work, gotta build a webpage pretty soon and use 3DSM (3d studio max) to edit a 3d scanned image of a frog...long hours of work for a lot of points but I love my major
Now for FFXI:
-Finally reached level 75 with samurai
-Finally joined a HNM LS (solstice)
-Currently trying to prove I'm worth my weight in gold (think I'm doing pretty good so far)
-Currently working on getting some pimp gear (shura pants first)
Alright so I joined Solstice, legion of people wanting to have a good time and get stuff done. Started up by being a "Guest" member for dynamis jeuno, and eventually became a member by joining in on events regardless of whether I was getting points or not. Downside was that because of my monday and wednesday class, I always was missing gods/triggers which are big points towards getting junk I want.
Well, this week has been the week to light Sky up. Got ullikumi on thursday or so and just beat the hell out of him. 6k damage with just my nifty kasha. Bad ass only has like 10k probably so I felt good, especially when I see the party chat saying "god damn" and "that was nice" or "you're tearing it up"....just the kind of positive reinforcement to make me know that leveling this job before it got popular was a good idea.
So we did Kirin on thursday, got crap big deal, was fun for me even though I got killed 3 times lol. Well Friday we do triggers, we're doing pretty well at getting the triggers are they are getting near pop...I actually aggro pulled despot and didn't know til I got slapped for 260 damage. We didn't get ulli friday though so it was put off til saturday, needed ulli and byakko for kirin saturday though. Saturday rolls around and ulli is killed as solstice members get there to camp him. I end up joining a little later and I was surprised at the comments I got when I was doing my ws onto the golem place holders. Was nice to see that I was giving samurai a good name...even had people thinking of possibly leveling samurai soon...
Did kirin then byakko saturday night, basically junk drops once again...dryadic abj head from kirin and neptunal abj hands from byakko...and then stuff for the ls bank. Was really hoping for dryadic abj legs or body to drop from the bastards so I could use my 40+ points to get it and a cursed gear so I had a new piece of armor. But it didn't happen so I'll have to wait til monday so we can do it again. This time I can finally start attending gods/triggers on mondays without being all that that Indiana is part of the EST time zone.
Oh and I made myself a nifty image for the ls makes me laugh and it wasn't all that hard to make (background is clear which makes me happy)