Don't ask about the title I just needed to put something there.
Okay so I pop on ffxi and help ace and chen with some kindred seal farming. Then reinaa asks if I want to join for CoP 2.5 (mammet) and I'm all gung ho about it since it'd probably be a few weeks before I even get the chance. So I go to my study session at 7 pm and come back at 8 just in time to start doing the mission with them. Got to the area before the battle and fought some IT hippogryphs and the bastards dispelled my sole sushi +1...not once...but twice >_> so I learned my lesson. Then we did the BC fight against the mammets...damn did we beat the piss out of them. I'm prepped through most of chapter 3 and could even be on chapter 4 before the end of next W00T.
Then I got an xp invite to replace a chat ls member. I shouldn't have because of the time, but I wanted xp so I could get close to a 3rd merit. Was there maybe 40 minutes before the party disbanded because people were I wasted a +1 sushi and a third of a stack of silent/invis items just for 3k xp...what a waste but it's all good.
Now for some real life stuff. Found out today (tuesday) that it was the last day to sign up for classes for next semester. Glad someone down the hall told me this since I didn't get any sort of freaking notice about it. So I signed up for next semester's classes and hopefully I get all of them...or atleast all but 1. It'll be about 18 credit hours and all the classes will be towards my major so I'm gonna be packed to the gills with work. But the chances that atleast one of the six classes doesn't get cancelled are pretty slim.
I also emailed the testing center about taking my Praxis test (basically an SAT for teachers) and they said that there are a few spots remaining for December. Down side is that I have to have a credit card on hand when I sign up for the test because it's 120 dollars. That's gonna hurt charging it to the credit card because I only have 150 dollar limit still if I remember correctly, they might've bumped me up to 200-500 but i'm not sure.
So this week, I have a paper to have done by thursday at 2pm...then I have to peer review 2 students' papers by 10am friday...then a test in french on friday...then paper(final draft) due on monday...then a philosophy test on a test to take sometime next week for psychology. Oh and wednesday this week I have to finish the little bit of my lab work for my major class. Profs really love to dump shit on you RIGHT before a holiday is coming.
Time to get some sleep so I can go to english and not learn anything but what I should've read but knew I wouldn't be tested on.
Did a quick survey thing that i saw on other lj:
You scored as Captain Jack Sparrow. Roguish,quick-witted, and incredibly lucky, Jack Sparrow is a pirate who sometimes ends up being a hero, against his better judgement. Captain Jack looks out for #1, but he can be counted on (usually) to do the right thing. He has an incredibly persuasive tongue, a mind that borders on genius or insanity, and an incredible talent for getting into trouble and getting out of it. Maybe its brains, maybe its genius, or maybe its just plain luck. Or maybe a mixture of all three.
Captain Jack Sparrow
Batman, the Dark Knight
William Wallace
The Terminator
El Zorro
Indiana Jones
Neo, the "One"
James Bond, Agent 007
Lara Croft
The Amazing Spider-Man
Which Action Hero Would You Be? v. 2.0created with