
Sep 12, 2008 01:06

I do suppose the tantrums are over with. Though avoiding me was rather childish.

Claire seems to be quite the recruiter.

However, I need a new list of the current employees of Devil's Nest. This does not include those who just reside here. I need people on the payroll and what they do ( Read more... )

apparently he's mother now, greed plz, okay maybe i am greed's girlfriend, you need to work, gio's very calm, designating jobs, walther p38, kaa-san speaking, greed is mine, god damn it greed, who's on the payroll?, that was pointless, devil's nest, greed+gio=otp? y/n?, they're acting like children, they're fighting, greed, ilugreedbb, claire = devil's nest recruiter, such a mother, taking charge, getting down to business, i'm not greed's girlfriend, claire, jack of all trades, laying down the law

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ex_regenera246 September 12 2008, 05:54:48 UTC
I am a good recruiter. Maybe that should be my job there for you guys.

... and you wouldn't shove a Walth- whatever gun that is under my chin.


ttlymostspecial September 12 2008, 05:56:33 UTC
If he shoves a gun under your chin, I'll shove shards of broken glass under his. Just saying.


achtundsechzig September 12 2008, 05:59:06 UTC
Touch me and I'll kill you. And me killing you is Giovanni for "you're fired".


ttlymostspecial September 12 2008, 06:00:18 UTC
No touching involved.

But I figured as much.


achtundsechzig September 12 2008, 06:03:46 UTC
And please the gun being there doesn't mean I will necessarily fire it.

I'd hate to have to deal with the tantrum that Greed would throw if I somehow managed to kill Claire.


ttlymostspecial September 12 2008, 06:05:14 UTC
My tantrum would be worse, I guarantee.


achtundsechzig September 12 2008, 06:09:36 UTC
As far as I'm concerned you're just some human with a few special abilities. Nothing that I can't handle.

No, Greed's tantrum.

Have you ever been hit with solid carbon?


ttlymostspecial September 12 2008, 06:11:51 UTC
Ever seen a radioactive explosion?


achtundsechzig September 12 2008, 06:15:27 UTC
I have no intention to see such a thing.


I would kill you if you tried it. You should not forget that I am like Claire.


ex_regenera246 September 12 2008, 06:01:44 UTC
I don't think he actually would.

... I hope.


ttlymostspecial September 12 2008, 06:05:55 UTC
He better not.


ex_regenera246 September 12 2008, 06:06:29 UTC
Well he said he wouldn't fire?


ttlymostspecial September 12 2008, 06:13:44 UTC
Once again, he better not.


ex_regenera246 September 12 2008, 06:15:05 UTC
I think he likes me, at least a little. So there's probably nothing to worry about.


achtundsechzig September 12 2008, 05:59:59 UTC
While Greed would probably love to hire every person here to work for him.

I will. It tends to be a good motivator.


ex_regenera246 September 12 2008, 06:02:33 UTC
... I take it that's a no? But come on, I'd be good at some kind of employee coordinator...thing. People like me, because I'm non-threatening.

You would not.


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