Things have been really crazy here at home lately….but I joined this scanlation group and they had this contest, so I thought I would take the time to write a little bit in my journal…which I almost never do.
My roomies and I have been totally obsessed with this BL/Yaoi pairing from Gundam 00. Now they really aren’t a couple of course, that only exists in Doujinshi Land.
However, I really started to love them when I happened upon the Doujinshi Circle, Shiro Note and their artist Katou Setsuko. She is by far my favorite Manga artist ever now and I LOVE her AllelujahxLockon pairing.
When I first saw Gundam 00 I always like Lockon Stratos (more Niel, than Lyle but I do like Lyle too. ;) ). However when I happened upon the Doujinshi Circle Shiro Note I really fell in love with Allelujah too and it made me go back and watch the Anime again.
Here they are…
Lockon Stratos (Niel Dylandy)
Allelujah Haptism
Here’s one of my favorite images by Shiro Note
You should check out their website here: They have a wonderful gallery, though a lot of it is 18+
Its become so crazy with it my rommie Miki-chan (who is equally if not more crazy about them, she's been collecting all the AlleNiel Shiro Note Doujinshi) we have started on this BJD character doll customization....I hope to post some of that here...or maybe on her LJ...should be awesome. We're using Fairyland Chicline fact if I have time today I'm going to be hutning the net for the right wigs for Lockon and Allelujah hair....stay tuned!