(no subject)

May 24, 2005 22:33

i havent done this thing since friday. well saturday was my stupid lifeguard class. we learned CPR, rescue breathing, and AED essentials...w/e AED is. but uhh if anyone ever needs CPR or rescue breathing, i cant help u. i only kno how to do it with this contraption...some sort of breathing barrier thingy. i dunno how to do it w/o that. and im not gonna walk around with a breathing barrier. no way. my dad claims that all u have to do is hold their nose and breath into their mouth. i was like RIIIIGHT! dude CPR breaks ribs..pretty gay, huh? yeah so i learned a lot of medical shit on saturday. after that i went to my soccer teams party at d-angelos. it was really good. my coach sed that my head caught on fire this season. im assuming that is a good thing.

then sunday we had scenarios allll morning. like for 7 hours. then we took out written test. it was easy. i passed it obviously. im not sure the dude that i shared a table with did. he sounded pretty confused. they let us talk during the test...not that anyone gave any answers. yeha so it was easy and i got like 3 out of 60 wrong. or maybe 4...dunno. so i got my cards that sed i was certified. then i left and slept for like HOURS.

monday i woke up and umm dunno. im drawing a blank. o yes well it was my parents anniversary so they were gonna go out to eat with me but my dad had too many patients. so we stayed home. then ummm i went to a baseball game at one point that day. and i studied for biology for about 2.6 seconds. cuz biology is over for me so it can fuck itself. i mostly remember just cleaning a lot monday. thats probly all i did.

then today i had my biology exam. so i went to sarahs this morning. she brought me to school. i turned my art thing in cuz im slow. then i sat in the hall for like 2 minutes then the bell rang so i was like wuts the point. i walked to ms bagbys and i definitely savored the "last time im walking to biology" moment. it was nice. i took the exam and i thought it was pretty easy. cuz biology is easy in general. then i turned in my textbook and was like YES BITCH im done this motherfucking subject. courtney gave ms babgy a present...it was pictures of us on the day she had a root canal that never happened. she started crying wen the bell rang. not that anybody cared cuz its bagby. shes leaving...we're happy. thats all there is to it. so my mom picked me up at 8:35 and we went to every bank known to man. im not sure why we have 20 different banks. but we do. i guess in case one dies or something. so then i went home and ate strawberries. then i went running. it was HOT! i also broke my brother ipod. so i put it back in his room as if i never touched it. i dunno how to work those things. dont just mess with them...thats dangerous. and my mom was like "oh is that wut u did with the statue?" i was like actually, yes. its been a year since me n jared broke that thing so i figured i should tell her. i did. she was like U MEAN U LIED? i was like hey erik lied too. then we ate dinner later and watched american idol. then we went to eriks baseball game. he won...yay... so now im exhausted and i dunno wut im gonna do. i have to stay up for another hour cuz i just took medicine...
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