Aug 07, 2010 01:46
So, I've started reading Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World and it's pretty dang good XD I kind of wish our world was like a vide game *sighs* oh well. I think A. would be will to fight 7 evil exes for me if he had to XD Anyways, I really recommend reading it. It's kind of adorable, and hilarious, and completely serious all at the same time. You should definitely read it *nods* :D
Ok, in other news there's a movie called Suckerpunch coming out next year that looks AMAZING in the trailor. Buuuut I'm too lazy to post it here so go look it up on YouTube, it's worth it.
Yeah, so I don't have anything to talk about so I'm going to make a list of random things =D
1) I finally got rocky road ice crea today after craving it for a week
2) I suck at drawing people. It's official.
3) My AP Studio Art class for next year (required for visual arts students) is mostly about portraits
4) I might kill someone in that class because of this.
5) Writer's block sucks fish D:<
6) I get to go to King's Island with A. <3
7) This means I'll have time to read my school book on the drive there (yay. I havent started it yet and schools in a week)
8) I don't want school to start in a week... Can I pretend it starts in two more months?
9) We had a freakish, 2 minute thunderstorm here yesterday that made me think I was going crazy.
10) The storm woke me up and when I walk downstairs it was suddenly not raining so hard trees were bending
11) Our powers gone out 3 times in the last 2 days.
12) There was some kind of disastor up the road that made out power go out today.
13) I'm officially magical because it came back on as soon as we pulled in the drive way :]
14) I was watching tomb raider and I could've sworn I heard one of the bad guys say, "We need more pineapples."
15) I wanna make my own manga
16) I'm tired, so I'm gonna' go to bed =D Goodnight!