happy birfday to me!

May 01, 2005 10:07


you fucks missed the birthday party of the world !!!!11111

Oh Snap! i got new Tattoos for my birthday !

http://tinypic.com/4sz8rm" alt="Image hosted by TinyPic.com">

http://tinypic.com/4sz8xx" alt="Image hosted by TinyPic.com">

http://tinypic.com/4sz8z6" alt="Image hosted by TinyPic.com"> !

john and his lady came over and we went to skincraft!

and mc donalds , and ate jessica simpson edible body spray and powder in Wallgreens , laughed at douches , and raised all sorts of hell

went to my house, talked, watched south park, got some fuckin dollie madison donuts , teh waxy chocolate kind and watched the damn show , then got sleepy and they left and we went to bed , evenualy

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