Nov 09, 2005 20:32
You know how you get that nice smug feeling when you have something new and cool and the other kids don't? And you get to go "oh it's no big deal" when they're all "wow, that's so neat!" and etc? Ahh, that feeling never goes away. Or I'm just childish. Yes, I'm going to enjoy my few weeks of having a shiny new black ipod before they go and come out with a shinier, newer one. But holy crap, there's a lot of stuff to buy before you can use the thing properly.
I hate midterms in november. Luckily I don't have any this year, and because of extra midterms in some mycology class somewhere, I also get more hours at the lab which equals more money. I also got chocolate because some guy brought them in for my boss for letting him see extra samples.
That latest Harry Potter book was kinda depressing. I also didn't get half the connections made and didn't remember half the characters that were supposed to be significant since it's been so long since I read the last book. I laughed at all the couples suddenly popping up. Everyone knows Draco and Harry and Snape are all madly in love with each other. Silly author.
In other news I also got a new icon. Look at my smoking fish! Its kind of retarded but I'm also too lazy to go fix it. I'm too lazy to go on typing the rest of what I had to say. Oh, who want to go to a jrock live with me on sunday? It's like $15 dollars which kinda sucks, but I'm really curious and I'm too wussy to go by myself. Its on broadway and larch or something. Surprisingly.