summer has been good..a lot of out doors stuff, been on the go, a lot of just chillin out around the house..check out a few pics. i have! && COMMENT!
me n tyler layin out ..i think sometime b4 school got out..
1/2 day of school n caitlin..
me n ty @ the beach senior week!
us again..(tyler is actually smiling this time)..
me n ty after leavin Senior Frogs, were all sweaty n gross...eew! haha
one of the random pics. mary took of i love you babe!
m3b @ waffle house!
daniel! @ the house of waffles! lol
Coree @ waffle house..dang do we go there enough?
random pic. of my bonus room today
closer up of ben..we were really bored can't you tell..?
ben's pic. of himself on my new cell phone which is now my background! your so cute benjamin!