Jan 05, 2008 08:31
So many people do the New Year's Resolution of dieting or losing weight. On Dr. Phil the other day he asked people in the audience how many of them weigh more now, than when they had gone on a diet. The majority of the crowd stood up and he said the rest were lying. I don't really see a point in dieting, as being a picky eater myself... diets don't work anyway. I barely find stuff that I like to begin with!
I signed up for discoveryhealth.com and it's free. I don't like most of the food they have for me on my meal plan but some of the stuff I do like, that I don't normally buy I will now buy. I need to buy some fruit... apples, oranges (ugh they are so messy though). I am going to check out the prices for Slim Fast shakes and meal bars/snack bars and maybe try some of those out, as I signed up on that website too and am taking suggestions.
I have also received an 8 week free pass for Bally Total Fitness and I am hopefully going to make it to the gym everyday, or almost everyday. When I don't seem to go there, or if the weather is too annoying to go... I will run on my elliptical and do crunches etc. According to statistics... for my height 5'3... and weight right now is 154... it should be 135. Personally, I don't really see what I could possibly look like if I weighed 135. I don't really care about the number or even my pant size, I'm content with that because I know I do have a lot of muscle, especially in my legs!
I care about this roll of a stomach that I have and these wonderful love handles. I just want to be happy with myself. I have made some recent decisions in my life and plan that in 2008 there will be a new and better Celeste. Most importantly self esteem and confidence wise. Because honestly, I'm already awesome right? :) hahaha.
One of my recent decisions was to move back to Buffalo and break up with my boyfriend Sean. It seriously hurt me so much to hurt him and it still does. Of course we are still going to be friends and I'm really glad about that. I do not want Sean out of my life, I enjoy his company and expect him to come visit Cobra and I in Buffalo. And since Sean reads this, I might as well address him myself!
Sean... You are a great guy. So caring and sweet and nice. I know it may be hard to see right now, as you aren't sure exactly who you are yet! (as you shouldn't at this point)... but you are going to do great things and even though your family is already SO proud of you... they won't even know what to think when you do the amazing things that you will do. Keep a smile on your face and try to enjoy life. :) <3
Ok, crap! I gotta find some lunch and head to work!!!!!