Jan 26, 2007 23:57
I got my first pay check today. =) $182.39. Yessss. I'm officially $200 richer. AWESOME.
I don't even know what I'm gonna spend it on. Gas. I'll see how much my insurance costs, so I can start paying for that. Maybe for a higher texting plan. Sike probably for that. And I'm going to Best Buy soon to spend my $80 worth of gift cards. Annnnnd I definitely need an idea for what to get Luke for Valentine's Day. I'm not getting anything big, but something. Hm.
I'm just excited that I now have money. I'm going to buy Luke presentssss. <3 Just because I can. lol.
Ummm but I'm still pissed about getting moved down to the MIDDLE SCHOOL so some lazy ass with a 2.5 GPA can leave early... just because I keep my 8 classes. Wtf I was the 8th student spot. I'm 11th in the class with a 4.025 or something GPA. And I lost my spot to some dumbass. What the fuck.