so far this summer, letts see how many from my list I have accomplished..
1. Get My License
2. Get My Car
3. Get a Job
4.Go out every night
5. Sleep in every morning
6. Meet new people
7. Have Fun
8. Actually read my summer reading
9. Take a break from my computer
10. Take a (maybe permanent) break from my avarage/boring/shy life style
11. Live my life to it's fullest (cuz up to now I've had no fun)
12. Don't forget the past but learn from it.
13. Let the past stay in the past
14. Forget the people in my past
15. Live in the moment
16. Don't sweat the small stuff
17. Not complain about Swanson
18. Not think about school
19. Get a Killer Tan
3/20... My summer is going to be busy from now til september 6.