Title: Of Lies And...
kyuppuccinoPairing: Sungmin / Kyuhyun (slight Kangin / Kyuhyun)
Rating: R (for cussing and implied sex, but it's a rather clean fanfiction)
Summary: Kyuhyun is jealous, and possessive.
Dedicated to: Maylene; and Katrina for reading it first.
Word-count: 7205 words.
Extra info: unusual pattern, partially timed story.
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Comments 13
gosh, my heart just flipped back and forth, zmgzmgzmg....♥
i love you and this fic!!
I love you okay! It makes me laugh and cry and omg this is just too good and worth waiting for! OMG hate me for being to incoherent on commenting coz I can't seem to choose words to describe what I feel T__T<33
“You’re an idiot.” Youngwoon says in a jumble of stuttered syllables, his icy gaze focused on Kyuhyun, eyes directly piercing the younger’s. “I may have no morals, but I would never hurt any of the other members on purpose.”
Ah Youngwoon you are precious nevertheless. I love how he still manage to think of what will Kyuhyun's lover will feel..<3
I also love how you threw random funny things that seriously make me idiotically smile :D even if it's not meant to be funny XD Especially the scene where Donghae's wearing an aluminium funnel on his head and when Sooyoung texted Min and Kyuhyun replied "Fuck of" and Hyukjae's PMP LOL ( ... )
it was funny because it started off with sungmin being pissed with kyuhyun, it all seemed so light-heartening because they were having sexual frustrations which i had to admit was really funny. and not to mention the alien hae, i swear that he should seriously see more of hyukjae's pmp so that they could have hard blown sex together instead of thinking about aliens. o.O
and then the second-last part of the fic, after they went through the forgivenss thingy, how much they needed each other, i felt really weepy becuase even through all those stupid stuffs at the first part, they still wanted each other back. wah, it's really good.
and lmao, kyuhyun's possesiveness, i supported him with the fuck off message although he hurt min's once more, i think they both could work something out in the end because love was all that matters the most. ^^
love this! *hugs*
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