Interview went well, I'm supposed to hear back within 30 days which is an eternity but it is the God Damned Government after all, it is how they do.
And now, things that worry me more than the Swine Flu, a short list:
1. The Blue Collar Comedy Tour
2. Jeff Goldblum
3. Uber-conservative Christians that are not using any form of birth control anymore so they will have more babies and eventually take over the world (I read it in the paper)
4. Gnomes. Something tells me they are up to something.
5. People who enjoy Scrubs
6. People who enjoy House
7. Child prostitution
8. Lyme's disease
"And scientists who are studying the virus say this strain of influenza doesn’t look as deadly as strains that have caused previous pandemics. In fact, some suggest that the current form of the swine flu virus may not even do as much damage as the regular flu."
HAHAHA, proof that my journal should be your #1 source of reliable news since, I have been saying the same thing since this stupid scare tactic started.
When I see this: "SWINE FLU ON THE LOOSE OMG WATCH THE FUCK OUT!" what I immediately think is, what else is going on? Seems like a good way for the high ranking officials across the country to pull the old bait and switch on a terrified public. A public that is terrified of, well, shit, do we really know? So let me get this straight...
If I get the Swine Flu, I will get flu like symptoms. Symptoms like, say, if I had the FLU!
O.M.G. should we CALL a fucking ambulance? (thats right, thats a Tough Love reference for those in The Know)
So, how is it different than the regular flu?
Ok, granted. Except for the fact that common seasonal flu kills 250,000 to 500,000 people every year. So, who gives a shit? Instead of banning meat from Mexico, how bout you just ship it to your local meatery? Dude, I don't give a fuck about the Swine Flu. Like, 0 percent of me is worried. If anything, I want it because a nice week long sick vacation would be nice. Snugpants and movies!
Additionally, at what point did the internet turn from holding the promise of a communication revolution, to being the destroyer of news? Like, back in the day it seemed like if there was an investigative report about anything, that shit was fucking SOLID! People would go to jail, get fired, etc if they gave inaccurate accounts...
Now, everything feels like background noise. Yes, the internet gave everyone a voice, but that isn't a good thing. The majority of people are fucking morons. So now, instead of having a sounding board to listen to important news, we have tossed the important tidbits in with the idiot brain vomit that surrounds and destroys it.
Instead of starting the revolution, the internet destroyed it. Fuck you internet.
And now, a musical sidebar: FUCK YOU JET! Not that one sports team but the horrible band JET! Why are they so fucking awful? I ask myself that every day, but ESPECIALLY because every time I hear their stupid fucking song "Are you going to be my girl" I get all excited because the intro to the song is exactly the same as "Walk like an Egyptian" by the Bengals.
And who doesn't want to listen to the Bengals? Hitler, that's who. So Jet, you Nazi fucks, get off my radio. Stop pretending to be the Bengals. Stop pretending to be a Jet. Because your music is neither loud nor powerful nor destructive. It is just like, fashion emo. Which; is a polite way of saying lame.
Also: Depeche Mode, WHAT THE FUCK! How did you come out with such a good song/video after all these years? Seriously, has anyone listened to Wrong? It feels like I took a time machine back to the 80's and found some super secret song off of Violator. Then the video?????? Seriously, it is the best music video since Prodigy's video for their updated version of Voodoo People.
Embedding is disabled but, check it out and make sure to click on HD first. Judas Priest, one song might be enough to convince me to go see them on their tour. I probably won't but STILL that is fucking impressive. For the video, think Fight Club meets Funny Games. Yeah, it is awesome. What? You haven't seen the movie Funny Games? WHAT THE FUCK NUT?
P.S. My radio is on in the background. Hey Slipknot, maybe it is time to retire eh? You are starting to fall down what I call the "Cut hair" path. Trent Reznor fell down this path, as did Metallica. You are next, trust me. Quit now while you still have some dignity because your new cd is pussyriffic awful. And this coming from a girl who just praised the Bengals AND Depeche Mode.
BONUS TOPIC - I hate Twitter. I hate the name of it. I hate the idea behind it. I hate the stupid fucking invites I get from people for Twitter. I hate the verb Tweet when not in reference to a bird. I hate the mass amounts of bullshit that passes for context on its stupid fucking site. I hate that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention also maintains its own Twitter account where official government information is given straight to the public. I hate that no one has taken it upon themself to follow in the footsteps of the Craigslist Killer and become the Twitter Killer. Stupid fucking twitter. Its like, someone was sitting at home and thought "You know, the internet is pretty great but... it needs to geared way more toward the ADHD crowd, I know, I'll make a site called Twitter." Go fuck yourself Twitter.
EDIT: Just received a call back in less than a week since the interview from a specific division considering me for a job. Think happy thoughts.