It was a fun system while I was there. I'm out. Still have LJ.
Too bad that modern social interactions are so damaged when we choose not to participate in social media. It's like no one knows how to use a phone or email any more.
I'm still adamantly opposed to the real names policy, and I expect that the real names policy is going to explode on them - or require even more draconian rules in order to truly enforce it.
- We've noticed that the name on your associated phone bill does not match this account name.
- Please proceed to a G+ registration booth and swipe your state provided ID card to register or verify this account.
I have no need to hide my legal name. My legal name is all over the web. My association with Flipside is on my resume. I choose this life.
At this time, I'm simply not willing to continue to use a service that will not accept my right to use the name I choose to use. Forcing me to use a standard looking name is bullshit. Telling me that !Bob is any less real than Bob is regressive thinking. We live in a new time, and we have no need to be defined by the things that defined us in the past.
I respect and support those who do not have the luxury of using their real names on these services. They have the right to interact with their friends on the Internet too.