Title: Home for Christmas Author: achika_chanPairing: Past Insano/Spoonette. Spoony/Linkara, mentioned Oan/Insano and 80s Chick/Harvey
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LOL they would both be so embarrassed by the mistletoe. Now I'm picturing me perched on a chair and dangling some mistletoe over their heads from a fishing pole and cackling. Because I am up to late and need to go to bed.
Calm, dearie. LOL. NO! *grumbles stubbornly* Bad parent ... you have no right to cuddle up with your ex after what you put him through ... no cookies for you, Spoonette!
LOL just a little. I heard it! It cried a sad cry ... like a breaking champagne glass ...
You really do jump to the Worst Possible Situation, don't you? Yes! Yes I do! I wish I didn't, but it's how my brain works. We don't have a lot of information, we just know it was bad and now Oan has trouble with people, so I jumped to "Diamanda Hagan: Terrifying Mob Boss" because that's how my brain works. Also, on the run from the Mob because she used to do their accounting is better than rape, and I really don't want it to be rape.
80s Chick kind of crushes on Harvey, a little, but she only recently got dumped by Dan so she's not looking for anything serious. Harvey has no objections to dames wanting to smooch him. Oh, I thought they were together! (Dan dumped her? What a jerk ... let's go egg his house!)
The kids are too adorable. They really are.
LOL give me - and Spoonette - some credit. "Hey, Insano, that GIRL over there is a GIRL, and she LIKES YOU. She keeps LOOKING AT YOU. And BLUSHING. GO USE BIOLOGY, IT'LL BE SUPER EFFECTIVE."
NO! *grumbles stubbornly* Bad parent ... you have no right to cuddle up with your ex after what you put him through ... no cookies for you, Spoonette!
Aww, she's not a bad mom just because she lives in California.
I heard it! It cried a sad cry ... like a breaking champagne glass ...
Because clearly bringing his blonde, vivacious ex to the Christmas party means they're going to get back together, right D:? And then Spoony pulls her aside and kind of laughs at her because LOLOL NO, it doesn't work between Insano and Spoonette and never has and never will.
Oh, I thought they were together! (Dan dumped her? What a jerk ... let's go egg his house!)
Nope, not together. Dan dumped her for Dolly, and that actually got mentioned in 80s Chick's first appearance.
"Hey, Insano, that GIRL over there is a GIRL, and she LIKES YOU. She keeps LOOKING AT YOU. And BLUSHING. GO USE BIOLOGY, IT'LL BE SUPER EFFECTIVE."
Aww, she's not a bad mom just because she lives in California. Until I know more of her side of things, I can't stop thinking of her as a deadbeat mom who abandoned her family. I'm sorry, but I can't!
Because clearly bringing his blonde, vivacious ex to the Christmas party means they're going to get back together, right D:? And then Spoony pulls her aside and kind of laughs at her because LOLOL NO, it doesn't work between Insano and Spoonette and never has and never will. It was the "shoes" line that made my heart sink. Because Spoonette is blonde and glamorous and was the Popular Girl in High School, and Oan already has the self confidence of a ... I dunno, a scared turtle, and always resented the Popular Girls in High School because they made fun of her for her brains, and all her friends-who-were-guys chased the Popular Girls, and now it's happening all over again! Then Spoony tells it like it is and thank god for that. Spoony needs to be Oan's new Conscience.
Nope, not together. Dan dumped her for Dolly, and that actually got mentioned in 80s Chick's first appearance. *headdesk* I probably read that at some point, but there's been so much information stuffed into my head lately I'm surprised I remember anything at all about fandom right now.
Spoonette wants Insano to be happy. Awwwwwww! (Wait, what, I thought I didn't like her! Gah, emotions are confusing!)
Until I know more of her side of things, I can't stop thinking of her as a deadbeat mom who abandoned her family. I'm sorry, but I can't!
It was the "shoes" line that made my heart sink. Because Spoonette is blonde and glamorous and was the Popular Girl in High School, and Oan already has the self confidence of a ... I dunno, a scared turtle, and always resented the Popular Girls in High School because they made fun of her for her brains, and all her friends-who-were-guys chased the Popular Girls, and now it's happening all over again!
Spoonette just wanted to get her away from Insano so that she could find out more about this mysterious Oan lady she hears so much about from Sol and who very obviously has a crush on her ex. But yeah, I suppose that was kind of ambiguous at the moment, wasn't it?
Then Spoony tells it like it is and thank god for that. Spoony needs to be Oan's new Conscience.
"Seriously, don't worry about her. Well, okay, worry a little because if she thinks you're going to hurt either Sol or Insaono she'll murder you in your sleep. But she's not a romantic rival,"
*headdesk* I probably read that at some point, but there's been so much information stuffed into my head lately I'm surprised I remember anything at all about fandom right now.
She and Insano became Single BFFS and hang out and she tries to give him advice about Oan but Oan's not exactly a normal girl most of the time and occasionally 80s Chick is stumped.
Awwwwwww! (Wait, what, I thought I didn't like her! Gah, emotions are confusing!)
Now I'm picturing me perched on a chair and dangling some mistletoe over their heads from a fishing pole and cackling. Because I am up to late and need to go to bed.
Calm, dearie. LOL.
NO! *grumbles stubbornly* Bad parent ... you have no right to cuddle up with your ex after what you put him through ... no cookies for you, Spoonette!
LOL just a little.
I heard it! It cried a sad cry ... like a breaking champagne glass ...
You really do jump to the Worst Possible Situation, don't you?
Yes! Yes I do! I wish I didn't, but it's how my brain works. We don't have a lot of information, we just know it was bad and now Oan has trouble with people, so I jumped to "Diamanda Hagan: Terrifying Mob Boss" because that's how my brain works. Also, on the run from the Mob because she used to do their accounting is better than rape, and I really don't want it to be rape.
80s Chick kind of crushes on Harvey, a little, but she only recently got dumped by Dan so she's not looking for anything serious. Harvey has no objections to dames wanting to smooch him.
Oh, I thought they were together! (Dan dumped her? What a jerk ... let's go egg his house!)
The kids are too adorable.
They really are.
LOL give me - and Spoonette - some credit.
"Hey, Insano, that GIRL over there is a GIRL, and she LIKES YOU. She keeps LOOKING AT YOU. And BLUSHING. GO USE BIOLOGY, IT'LL BE SUPER EFFECTIVE."
Aww, she's not a bad mom just because she lives in California.
I heard it! It cried a sad cry ... like a breaking champagne glass ...
Because clearly bringing his blonde, vivacious ex to the Christmas party means they're going to get back together, right D:? And then Spoony pulls her aside and kind of laughs at her because LOLOL NO, it doesn't work between Insano and Spoonette and never has and never will.
Oh, I thought they were together! (Dan dumped her? What a jerk ... let's go egg his house!)
Nope, not together. Dan dumped her for Dolly, and that actually got mentioned in 80s Chick's first appearance.
"Hey, Insano, that GIRL over there is a GIRL, and she LIKES YOU. She keeps LOOKING AT YOU. And BLUSHING. GO USE BIOLOGY, IT'LL BE SUPER EFFECTIVE."
Spoonette wants Insano to be happy.
Until I know more of her side of things, I can't stop thinking of her as a deadbeat mom who abandoned her family. I'm sorry, but I can't!
Because clearly bringing his blonde, vivacious ex to the Christmas party means they're going to get back together, right D:? And then Spoony pulls her aside and kind of laughs at her because LOLOL NO, it doesn't work between Insano and Spoonette and never has and never will.
It was the "shoes" line that made my heart sink. Because Spoonette is blonde and glamorous and was the Popular Girl in High School, and Oan already has the self confidence of a ... I dunno, a scared turtle, and always resented the Popular Girls in High School because they made fun of her for her brains, and all her friends-who-were-guys chased the Popular Girls, and now it's happening all over again!
Then Spoony tells it like it is and thank god for that. Spoony needs to be Oan's new Conscience.
Nope, not together. Dan dumped her for Dolly, and that actually got mentioned in 80s Chick's first appearance.
*headdesk* I probably read that at some point, but there's been so much information stuffed into my head lately I'm surprised I remember anything at all about fandom right now.
Spoonette wants Insano to be happy.
Awwwwwww! (Wait, what, I thought I didn't like her! Gah, emotions are confusing!)
It was the "shoes" line that made my heart sink. Because Spoonette is blonde and glamorous and was the Popular Girl in High School, and Oan already has the self confidence of a ... I dunno, a scared turtle, and always resented the Popular Girls in High School because they made fun of her for her brains, and all her friends-who-were-guys chased the Popular Girls, and now it's happening all over again!
Spoonette just wanted to get her away from Insano so that she could find out more about this mysterious Oan lady she hears so much about from Sol and who very obviously has a crush on her ex. But yeah, I suppose that was kind of ambiguous at the moment, wasn't it?
Then Spoony tells it like it is and thank god for that. Spoony needs to be Oan's new Conscience.
"Seriously, don't worry about her. Well, okay, worry a little because if she thinks you're going to hurt either Sol or Insaono she'll murder you in your sleep. But she's not a romantic rival,"
*headdesk* I probably read that at some point, but there's been so much information stuffed into my head lately I'm surprised I remember anything at all about fandom right now.
She and Insano became Single BFFS and hang out and she tries to give him advice about Oan but Oan's not exactly a normal girl most of the time and occasionally 80s Chick is stumped.
Awwwwwww! (Wait, what, I thought I didn't like her! Gah, emotions are confusing!)
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