Hi! (^-^)/Here's what happened during vacation:
- I accidentally broke Marqui's gamecube (I played it almost everyday and one day I played it for 5 hours straight. The next day it wasn't working. I pretty sure it's cuz I overheated it or something). Fear not! My sister's bringing me my gamecube from my old house today, so I'm gonna give it to Marqui. (And if anything should ever happen to THAT gamecube, I have a two year warranty on it - which cost me 70$, by the way- so I'll be able to replace it ... which isn't important because I've no intention of overheating this gamecube like last time anyway ... so it won't come to me having to use it ... cuz i'm not gonna break it again... like I did last time...so there! (But it's nice to know that I have that warranty just in case ^^;)
- I haven't talked to my friend Samantha (is it okay if I use your name?) for three years because my parents wouldn't allow me to (I'm pretty sure I explained that in a previous entry) and I finally got to call her! Marqui gets long distance for free, so she had no problem with it. I might be going to her house for a couple of days this summer, too! \(^o^)/ -yay!-
- I made some new characters!! (lots!...well, five or six, but I made multiple sketches of each character)
- I ended up not working as a waitress over vacation. I don't think I would've been able to handle it, to be honest. I'm way out of practice and I never really liked that job, plus working during passover is supposed to be very difficult, even for the pros. However, I'm definitely going to work in the coffee shop (^.^) Marqui's dad is going to get the application form for me while he's there. (He says that he can get me the job without me having to apply, but I don't know...) Either way, I'm very gratefull I'm getting this job.(I'm pretty confident that I'll get it. I hope that doesn't jinx it or something. I'm tired of being jobless (;_;)
- I know what to do about the school bus situation now. I called the sheriff's office and he told me that yes, I am legally an adult, but I'm now old enough to move out without being emancipated first. I have to go to family court and request emancipation from the judge. I need to state why I need to move out and he decides whether to grant me emancipation or not, (Thank god this decision isn't going to be left up to my parents, who would spitefully refuse to emancipate me). I'm pretty sure I'll be granted emancipation. I can't tell you why because the reason behind it is pretty personal, but I'm optimistic about the judge's decision (Once again, I hope I haven't jinxed anything.) After this, the school bus thing won't even be an issue anymore and the school will finally agree to acknowledge my change of address. The possibility that I might be forced to go back with my parents won't exist any more, so I'll finally be able to recover from this whole thing and I won't have to be scared to death anymore.
um...I think that's everything. If I remember any thing else, I write about it tomorrow.
As for today, I almost had to miss school again. I couldn't use the bathroom to get ready for school because someone was in the shower for a long time and by the time they got out, there was no way I would be ready by the time the bus came (I think I had five minutes or so left). I was mad this morning, but Marqui's dad drove me to school, so I over it now. I'm really hungry though!! (-stomach grumbles-) The only thing I'm worried about right now is the fact that my sister doesn't know if I'm in school or not, and I promised her I would be here today (I wouldn't want her to have to lug that gamecube around all day for nothing).I'm gonna see her in a little while, but I feel bad because she was probably really mad when I didn't meet her in the cafeteria this morning (I didn't arrive until way after the bell for homeroom had rung). Oh well, she probably won't care anymore when she finds out that I'm not absent. (I just hope that she didn't forget to bring my...err...Marqui's gamecube!!)
the bell just rang! bye!