oh my god!!! :: dies ::
It's week 10, so this is the last week of classes and then week 11 being finals. Work is kicking my ass. I also thought I had stuff due tonight, and was up all night working and went to class reluctant because i didn't have my projects finished. .. only to find out that we canceled class and gave us until Wednesday.
yay for no class and more time, boo to not knowing this sooner.
And Thank the gods for Lappy! She, once again, saved my ass. My core2duo tower computer that I built has been fucking up lately.. again... I really do not know what's going on with it. it's slower, programs just stop responding randomly, and either unresponsive programs or certain programs just cause it to restart. Like, Open After Effects -> see loading screen -> interface is going to load -> fail -> restart.
sigh.. It's a crazy awesome powerful machine and it won't function normally. I was trying to use After Effects today, and it'll restart my computer. Now, Joe and I basically have the same computer. He has different video cards, and a view different programs than I do but really really similar. I go to his computer to use After Effects, and he sound doesn't work. like, really weird. I opened iTunes and the sound works, and regular windows noises work, but not in effects or premier. bizzar!!
So I had to waste an amazing amount of time today instally after effects on my lappy. and She is ... maybe.. a quarter of the strength of the core 2... no.. like an 8th. whatever. She handled multiple programs, especially after effects, and photoshop, without a hitch! and rendered my project in like, no time. in like, 3 minutes.. Joe's computer took 2.
Something is REALLY wrong with our core2Duos.
Anyway... blah. So I have more time on Career Skills. yay. I also have DID, QTVR, Artifice/DOME, and ENM. ENM isn't due until thursday/friday of week 11. not sure when QTVR is due.. I have to talk to Adam... DID is due tuesday, and that's a group project so I can't screw it up. Don't want to anyway, but others' grades will be effected on that, not just mine. so yeah. Artifice/DOME, we have a presentation tomorrow, and a "final" next monday.
For Career Skills, one of my projects I have to do is create my portfolio site. I have a strong idea on the look, but forgot one thing - Navigation-. I do not know how to go from one part of the site to the other. do i add buttons, or should I have something to the Harry Potter Equivalent to "port keys" and make random objects take me places... ???
This is what I have so far... oh gosh I'm so exhausted. I want to go sleep. The double espresso latte, of course, has no effect on me. pulling all nighters suck... last night wasn't too bad, but it will get worse.
I have also noticed that I have difficulty concentrating lately. I don't think it's ADD or ADHD or whatever. I mean, I use to work very easily with a lot of distractions around. Now it easy to distract me. It's a change I've noticed between highschool and like, a year ago. It may be because I'm not really comfortable in the basement with the others. I like working by myself. It's odd. There would be 5 people in the basement, working (including me) and I get distracted easily, but I go to a computer lab with 30 other people and I'm fine. I may want to try and move my computer up into my room. Or set up a second monitor up there for lappy. :: shrugs :: maybe. we'll see. If that happens though, I must clean like WHOA!
I miss High school. Not because of friends, but because of the challange. I miss social studies (though I freaking hated learning about America... AGAIN, even though it was WORLD HISTORY...), science and math. They gave out homework that made me think, and I had so many ideas and my mind was never absent. It's been 4 years and I can notice a crazy difference. I have a harder time finding the words I want to use, I space out easily, and not with ideas but with an absent mind. Even reading has gotten slower, which is really scary. I sometimes act like a "dumb blond" though I'm not blond.
Should I consider getting an MRI or a CAT SCAN? Seriously...
Okay... sorry I wrote so much. I'm waiting for Joe to get out of class and I needed to do something to keep me awake. yes. :: dead ::