Title: Art for "The Sidhe Prince" | A
paperlegends fic by
achelseabeePairing(s): Arthur/Merlin
Rating: PG
Media: Photoshop CS6, Wacom tablet
Artist Notes: Due to the magical, mystical powers of the universe (I won't use the word destiny, but I'll think it), I was made
caitcupcake's Paperlegends artist...approximately 5 days ago. I did my damnedest to bang something pretty out for her (hahaha Big BANG...I think I'm funny), because she's wonderful and lovely and amazing, and she deserves all the art. Unfortunately, I was only able to do one art, not all of it, but Caitlin is a gracious soul so she was very appreciative of what I could do for her in the short time span. And now I shall wrap up this love letter to Caitlin and beg you all to go read and praise her spectacular fic!! Enjoy the art!
Thanks for looking! Feedback would be absolutely lovely :)
And go read the fic, if you haven't already!
on tumblr | please don't repost my art anywhere without my permission! ♥]