Apr 29, 2006 14:12
This is how it works: Comment on this entry and I will give you a letter. Write ten words beginning with that letter in your journal, including an explanation what the word means to you and why, and then pass out letters to those who want to play along.
Nicole gave me: "W is for w00t"
W is for:
W00t - as in the last word heard on the Stony Lake 60th Anniversary Commemorative DVD courtesy of yours truly...
Weird - as in weirding people out in Mt. Pleasant on the way to Bass Lake last year; Anyone else up for a repeat performance of the Superman grace mere feet away from one of the busiest intersections in town?
Wayne - as in Wayne County, the seat of which is Detroit, my hometown...
What? - an inquisitive phrase that (among others) causes new "Almost Uno" players tons of problems...
WHEEEEEE! - as in what I'm thinking when we all surf during the third verse of "He Is Alive"...
Water - as in what 70% of poop is made of or as in the stuff that comes out of the taps at MSU that tastes like licking the bottom of a Matchbox car...
Woohoo! - as in what I think about everytime I realize that the end of school and the beginning of camp is getting closer and closer...
Word - as in Jesus (and alternately and much less importantly, one of the more amusing recurring segments on "The Colbert Report")...
Waiting - as in what I should have done before completing this survey because I should be studying for Roman history...
Wednesday - as in the day of my last final for this school year!