(no subject)

Aug 23, 2009 21:18

Edit: Ok, I just have to know. Does anyone else find me intimidating ??

(and you know that i'm totally gonna get off on it if you say yes. 8D )

Several people's posts today and something Zomi said have all cooked in my brain and made me ponder the difference between STARK PHOTOGRAPHIC APPEARANCE and WHAT PEOPLE ACTUALLY LOOK LIKE.

I suspect that what people look like in person is animated by and infused with personality, so that someone like Cynthia can be freaking gorgeous, but photographs of her remove all that personality and make her look (with some exceptions) kinda posed and wary.

This made me wonder what I look like. I mean, aside from photographs. I wonder if I project a me that is entirely different -- and if sometimes, this me is different in different situations. I suspect that Alba sees me as this stern yet nurturing figure that is often making >| face at her. She also tends to make a huge fuss over my mostly non-existent boobs, although i suspect I get why. I mean, boobs = nursing memories = mommy.

I truly and devoutly hope that when people meet me, they see my best possible projected self, which of course looks like David Bowie in his Thin White Duke days (or fine, I'll settle for the similarly big-nosed half-asian Shirota Yuu), but which I sadly fear just looks like a vaguely frumpy geek. I think every year is giving me a bit more grace with this body of mine, however, so that by the time I'm a senior citizen I'll finally be able to dress for my nontraditional figure*.

I also am vastly respectful of locatei for making a photographic journey into her body, seeking to explore her unexpressed (male) self by altering her external self.

* Speaking of which, my figure and how difficult it is to dress myself make me feel vast amounts of similarity to members of the fationista community, and I've always found it disappointing that simply being difficult to fit doesn't allow me into a community of other people who struggle to dress themselves. I should begin a community for tough-to-work-with bodies like mine.
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