Jul 22, 2008 12:40
So, yeah. i'm helping out with this art camp at church, and gosh, the kids are so... idk, they act just like a bunch of teenagers! They can totally deadpan a phrase and they crack me up when they act all sarcastic! Little kids used to not get sarcasm... Look at what Hannah Montana has done to the world! God, WHAT a freakin' menace! Anyway, It was cool, it gave me something to do.
I made Ethan drive me to the theater yesterday, and he was all grouchy about it. Then Ashley and I went and played chess(how lame, I know.) at JudyBug's. God, there are some FREAKIN old books in there! It's really cool though!
At Fountain City Coffee, Ashley asked what was in a Choclate Cherry freezer, and the lady goes... "Ummmm... Choclate... and Cherry?!?!) It was SOOOO funny! Yeah, you had to be there! God, though, it was so fun! We're going to the Antique mall today! :D YAY!!!! god, we are kinda nerdy, huh?