Apr 17, 2007 05:15
Anyone who's played RPG Maker on the Playstation 1 and also did the demo game on it, I dare you to write Gobli/Mark slash.
Okay fine, don't do it. I'll probably do it anyway. It won't be good, but it'll be AWESUMM.
Random subject 2, on AC:WW, I got a letter from my past self a year ago. I completely forgot about it.
Then I got sad because the last line I put in that letter was "...Still have a boyfriend?" Dammit, I almost went two weeks without thinking about him. D=
And finally, just a rant to politics in general and not against anyone in particular (and DEFINITELY not any friends since none of you are doing this): Christ on a stick! Can't you guys show some respect? Not even six hours after the massacre, the political figures are spewing crap again. "Ohgod gun control is good/bad and it'll change the whole election and affect our careers and maybe we can tie terrorists or immigration into this and de blah de blah de blah de BLAH!" At least wait until the goddamn ceremony and we get the shooter's name until you start pointing fingers. It'd be better to just shut the hell up, mourn, and try to figure out what happened and why in a non-political manner, but personally, I think that's too high a standard for humans.