Big Decisions

May 26, 2006 12:00

Ok I have the biggest decision to make of my life so far to make. I was at an interview yesterday for Carousel Training which is to do with nursery nursing. I arrived and had to write an essay on the mos memorable day of my life along with 14 other girls. We then got a talk on the course which goes as follows:
1. You work 35-40 hours a week in a nursery.
2. You get paid £85 a week minimum which works out at £2.13 an hour cause we're not qualified.
3. We go to the training centre 1 day every 4 weeks.
4. The course lasts 20 - 24 months.
5. You don't fail anything.
6. You Graduate.
So after that we got a one to one interview where we got asked what qualities we had and experience. The woman told me that I came across very well and would probably be accepted, so now this is where the big decision comes in...
Do I give up Boots and go and do this job at a crap wage but then can earn from £13,500 a year up after 2 years or do I go to college and spend 2 days at a nursery and 3 days in class a week and stay at Boots???
The woman said she had a baby daughter of 18 months old and she said if I was looking for a Nanny and I had 2 girls one who had done a modern apprenticeship and one who had done an HNC at college I would choose the Modern apprenticeship girl because:
1. She has had 5 days a week in a nursery and doesn't have to be supervised where as at college when you go to your placement you must be supervised changing nappies and making up bottles.
2. She will have experience with all different kinds of children at all ages where as at college your placement gets changed every 3months.
3. She will have had a disclosure Scotland done, where as most colleges don't bother because your only there 2 days out of a week.
I am so confused and I need some peoples opinions on whether I should take it or not.
Please help me guys.
Thank you
Anyways must dash ttfn xxxx
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