Sep 10, 2008 02:39
Sooo as we all know life in this house isn't easy by any means. And Trinas a little evil bitch at times. Jaime and I are just a bunch of freeloaders. But somehow I know this will all be worth it, and somehow I know that somewhere up in the vast heavens memoe and grandpa are looking down on me and helping me along. I may seem like a dumb ass sappy hippie for saying this or something but jaime always tells me to "just spit it out" because he wont think im dumb and such so here goes . Well I was very frustrated at school today then I took my friend danny home, stopped by jaimes work to say hi and visit and such and as were about to leave I try and help someone out cause their car isnt starting and I have nothing to work with so I couldnt help them too much which made me feel worse, then we get home and we walk through the door and the stupid chihuahua come yapping at us and ALL I hear is trina "CHIQUITA GET YOUR AS OVER HERE AND LAY DOWN blah blah blah" as im taking off my boots so I know its already going to be bad I put my lunch pail in the kitchen and I hear dad telling trina "calm down ok?" and her rebutal "WELL IM JUST SO FRUSTRATED WITH EVERYTHING"(SO I MUST DRINK{ok I added that but you know what she drink enough for 3}) anyway so I come upstairs because I dont wanna get into it cause of my day and such so Jaime then I take a shower and while Im shathing (where you plug the tub and take a shower laying down shutup im wierd) when im done I hear trina bitching at jaime (im sorry btw) anyway when I finish drying off and getting clothed I talk to her and she says that trinas getting frustrated because "She thought this situation would be temporary {jaimes only been here a month and has been paid twice and hasnt been able to afford rent due to other things}) and we just go through the food (sorry I think eating is up there on THINGS NEEDED TO SURVIVE) and that we dont help out (though Jaimes cooked a few times weve watched the boys and weve cleaned the house and I take care of the backyard and I help out with lawn every so often) and I just blow money (because I bought a $30 pool cue after putting money down on the car I should be picking up friday if all goes a planned and put money in my bank and filling up the truck like 3 times) then asked for the gas card later in the week. So to put it mildly im pissed and frustrated so I start cleaning the bathroom and as im sitting there bitching and cleaning I bump the GLASS Qtip holder and it falls to the ground and smashes into tiny pieces one of which I take in the foot and as im pulling it out I cut my thumb twice. So I finish cleaning the mes and bathroom up. and I sit and talk to jaime a little then decide I need to go outside for a little smoke break and I walk around a little and look up at the sky and say "What am I here for, WHAT AM I HERE FOR,will this all work out?" and as I'm finishing uttering that I saw a shooting star streak right across the sky in plain sight right where I'm looking, so I look up at the sky a little further and I say thank you multiple times, this may sound stupid but Ive ALWAYS wanted one of those HERE STUPID things like god reaching out and talking directly to you with a backhand. well I finally got my time So I know everything will be good and under control and it will I just need to work it out and let thing happen when they do. If life hand you lemons make lemonade I think thats how this will all be in the end. and I do hope it does :) anyway im getting tired o ill talk to you guys later I love and miss you all alot
blah blah blah