This is Moloch the Mystic Edgard Ed Jacobi. Maybe I'm busy. Maybe I hate you. Either way, I'm not answering the phone right now. Leave a message after the beep.
((OOC: This journal is currently being used to play in three different 'verses:
cuss_memorial and
thedressingroom. Some posts belong to one verse, some posts belong to all of them. Tags are your friends
♥! awww. Mine too. Blessedly, I found people who'll humour me! :D
That you did! It's not easy, there aren't many role players interested in het XD
Yeah I know. XD I have a lot of bi/lesbian/gay characters myself (mostly the bi/lesbian.) but I think I converted our Arthur's player. Besides, they get to have their straight cake and eat their slash cake too! :D Besides, the mental image is obscenely pretty.
YAY LESBIANS! Seriously, we need more woman/woman pairings. Give femmeslash a chance, people D: I think that's why I like mixed-gender OT3s so much. You get pretty girls and gay sex at the same time! :3
We do! :D I should bring some of them to TDR >.> Morgana actually feels worse for flirting with girls than she does for threatening to fuck Ed... she has odd morals. Ahem. But I <3 femmeslash. Possibly because I got sick of the GUYS ALL OVER THE PLACE IN EVERY FANDOM. Aaaaah! And I love mixed gendered otp3's so hard it's not funny, but they're rarer than there is right to be. Though it's better when the girl isn't there just for ornamentation (which I find they often are. It's like people who want to write slash but feel guilty so they add a girl or something. D:)
You should! I made a female character, they could flirt and stuff :3 Odd morals indeed XD But yeah, I'm the same. I RP at smuttysws and sometimes I'm like "Rachel wants to play with this girl. But what if the mon is not into that? oxO" Slash is great and all, but I much prefer femmeslash. Ugh, I hate when they do that X( Luckily, I've been in some fandoms with really strong female characters and writers who wrote them IC in their OT3s *cough*Roy/Riza/Havoc*cough*
Hmmn. I shall ponder who I can convince to come play. I have way too many characters. But. But. It's. Uh. Ed? >.> Which is totally the opposite of a good excuse. Oh well. She's been reasonably good! Though she's worse at the moment, it's a self destructive sort of thing. Hmmn, yeah. Having "the talk" with other muns is... occasionally very awkward. I like slash, but.. hell I didn't even read Merlin/Arthur for the longest time because I was just SICK of digging through it to find one or two fics for my other pairings. It becomes overkill at a point, even if a pairing is the slashiest thing since sword fighting was invented. I really hate it when they do that, too. I've seen it done to Morgana in more than a few of the A/M/M fics I could find. I wibbled.
Hahah, me too! To think that I've only been RPing for six months now XD Arthur found out about Mordred, didn't he? Awww :( Merlin/Arthur is probably one of the slashiest ships ever, but... Morgana and Gwen! I mean, do I have to say more? They sleep together! Gwen bathes her! They're BFFs! It doesn't get any more femmeslashable than that! To Morgana? No. Noooo. Say it isn't so D:
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