[Drunken rambling]

Dec 07, 2009 20:41

No, listen, listen. I'm gonna. I'm gonna tell you what it's all about. We. Evolved. From animals... No. We are animals. People Know that, but people Forget. You gotta remember that. It's important... No, really. Cause. Cause millions of years ago we were like. These monkeys. These stupid lame monkeys living in... in caves... no, trees.. And everything fucking ever was out to get us. And.

You see, the, the thing is that being strong makes you stupid. Cause you can punch som'one in the face, you don't bother finding another way to defend yourself. You're weak, you have to wise up. And we were so fucking weak. So we watched our own shadow and and we became prara... pano... par'noid. Yeah. Par'noid. And we made weapon and we became cruel, cause mercy, that's something only the strong ones can afford.

And. That's the root of it. The fucking unsolvable mystery, the, the forty two. There's nothing else, no fucking... trascendent bullshit. No Üb...ermen. Mensch. Mensssch. Schschs-chhhh. Inside every man there's this, this tiny part who remembers, remembers what it was like to be on the bottom of the chain. This instict, this... Compulsion or whatever that doesn't know and will never know that that that it's. Not anymore.

So you have this. This animal. This tiny, stupid animal clawing inside of you screaming. You're not good enough. Everything's out to get you. You have to... You have to get them before they... And sure, you can stop listening, yeah, I know, I know that's what you were thinkin', I know that's what you were going to say. But it's gonna stay there, you can't ignore it forever, and then one day you simply stop. So you lie and you punch and you hurt, anyway you can, cause deep down you're still this, this little boy who was too weak to defend himself. This. Monkey...

We are bastards cause we are weak and we survived. And how the hell d'you think we did that, sugar?


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