
Apr 07, 2007 21:28

To remember: '76 Br. punk band The Fall, '80s CD Perverted By Language...

Had a lonnng shopping spree of $80 today and bought a bitch ass pair of chartreuse/purple/white Pumas:

I also bought a belly-shirt w/ Japanese stuff all over it (it's really bright), a 1700s-looking (my mom said it was actually a petticoat) skirt of white lace w/ tattered black lace fringing the bottom, knee length, and neon lime green fishnets. amazing.

I should listen to broader music, in general. I'm importing a Frank Black CD onto my compu' now. I hope i like it, obviously.

I had a dream last night that I sent a nasty letter back to Emerson quasi-rejecting me and they sent me an angry one right back. Apparently I ended it w/ the dreaded 'cunt'-word. Oops... I mean, c-word. haha.

Oh, and tomorrow's Easter... candy & chocolates, ohmygod!!! happy easter, too.
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