Mar 06, 2007 17:49
Whooaaoommmmm. I had the weirdest experience today.
I had to go to the doctors' to get this lump on my neck examined. You know. Wondering if it was a malignant you-have-3-months-to-live-type tumour, cancer etc. Hypochondriac, totally. (My mom knew it was nothing.) So at first I had this piggy nice intern. But then - the doctor. He was like the living embodiment of one of my characters in my novel. It was sooo weird. As time passed and I sat there being knocked and prodded about, it was like... idk. It was just strange.
In other medical news, I'm donating blood for the first time! There's a blood drive @ the high school this friday. Me and some of my friends are going down in the morning. Hopefully I'm not too dizzy/nauseous (I've seen it happen) to walk to Smith less than an hour later. Maybe I'll try for an earlier slot? I hope I even weigh enough. I might not.
I got my Oingo Boingo CD in the mail today. boo-yah.
I'm drinking chamomile tea.
I told the kid I like to check his email b/c I sent him an interesting one... He probably forgot.
I watched a stupid movie last night called Bright Future about alienation and jellyfish in drab dreary Japan. Omg I want those 95 minutes of my life back. I'll have to get up early sometime.
It's so cold out. I'm wearing a coat. Sto portando un giobbotto di mia madre. E nero.
My Italian is sucking. So much grammar! aghck
I had a dream last night that my last high school English teacher died a year ago b/c he was eaten by sharks.
Tonight I have Euro/Italian...
I made $60.00 today for watching my neighbors' cat for ~2 weeks.