Today I officially become a movie star. Or rather, I got to be an extra in a PSA for a counseling centre in town.
I’m not going to lie, I love acting on camera. No matter how bad I am, no matter how cheesy I come across, I just love it. The “Hurry Up and Wait” syndrome is certainly something you have to get used to, but even during those moments when you’re waiting…waiting…waiting, I manage to bask in the moment (usually by making asinine comments and sarcastic jokes).
It’s always amazing to me how long it takes to film. This PSA will maybe a minute long once edited, and yet it took us over 3.5 hours to film. 3.5 hours of my SUNDAY AFTERNOON FOLKS! The sacrifices I make.
Seriously though, it was probably the most fun I’ve had on a Sunday afternoon since I can remember.
I got to play a counselor and a call centre representative. I also got to say three very important lines:
Heavy stuff. I had a little trouble memorizing my lines, but eventually I got it together. I even put the right emphasis on the right syllable. Talk about professional.
The camaraderie between cast and crew was awesome, especially since we only met mere hours ago. Mostly I liked dropping cynical side notes off camera and seeing who thought they were funny.
But nothing compares to the silent scene. I’ll set it up for you: I play a counselor who is (wait for it) counseling a client. I know, right? Genius stuff. Eventually they are going to put voice overs describing the counseling centre services, and so we actors were told that our voices won’t be used in the finished product. This meant we had to improv the scene and look like we were having a session. Luckily, my fellow actor had a sense of humour. Our counseling session went something like this:
Client: I’m having a lot of trouble with my husband. He has anger problems. And he shows more affection to our dogs than to me.
Counselor: Seriously? Like as in bestiality?
Client: Wait, what?
Counselor: That’s too bad. Here’s a tissue.
Client: Thanks. I also think my 400 pound Aunt has affected me emotionally and now no one wants me to eat turkey anymore. I’m also scared of clowns.
Counselor: That’s a lot of issues. I think we worked through them all today!
Client: Thanks, I really feel at ease talking to you.
Counselor: I have that affect on people.
Director: Cut!
And I’m not really exaggerating our scene either…
I had a blast, so I’ll just put it out there…if anyone needs an actress, I’ll do it for free!
(Never sell yourself short folks.)
This is the only shot I have of filming. You get a great view of a door, the back of the "client's" head, and if you look to the far right, there I am counseling away. Oh, and you get to see a very movie-studio looking light. Way to be authentic.