Supernatural 5.08

Nov 06, 2009 12:11

Actually for serious.

How much fun must the boys have had filming those opening credits? I srsly hope that there is an extended gag reel on the DVD. lysander_o and I agree that Sam makes an excellent car.

lol, Castiel the pretty boy angel.

I really, really liked the way that Sam stitched Dean up. Who was this written by, one of the girls or Paul? It seemed like a complete brother!moment.
eta: nope, Carver. Who'd have guessed.

So there I was thinking that it was just another Monster of the Week episode, and then they sneak the Angel arc in! I was enjoying it thoroughly anyway, but then it was all lol Gabriel what.

I'm not sure if I like the idea of the Trickster being Gabriel. It all fitted with old canon so I didn't have an issue with continuity but... idek, it just seemed a little weird. I do like the way that he explained the Winchesters' similarities to the angels and God - I think that I, like everyone else, had noticed it - but still. It felt rushed, maybe, I'm not sure. Argh.

Speaking of rushed - I got a comment on my Big Bang (which in total spans 6 years, the main part taking place over 10 months) which said that it felt rushed. Colour me confused.

fandom: supernatural, big bang

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